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Messenger Connect Sharing

With the Messenger Connect Sharing badge you can allow your users to easily share content from your site with their Windows Live friends.  This functionality is open to all web sites now:  you do not need to be in the beta program.

There are two types of content that you can share with Messenger Connect:

  1. Article : This will include a page summary containing a thumbnail, page title, and description.
  2. Video: This will provide in-line playback of the shared video from within the page summary.

How to Implement

Paste this code into the page on your site:

<a href="{your URL}" title="Share with Messenger"><img style="border-style:none; vertical-align:middle; margin-right:4px" src="" alt="Share with Messenger" />Messenger</a>

The Messenger badge comes in two sizes, 16x16 and 22x22 pixels. Each size provides both a white and orange background. The file names are SharingBadge16x16White.png, SharingBadge22x22White.png, SharingBadge16x16Orange.png, and SharingBadge22x22Orange.png, respectively.

The {your URL} variable in the code above  can be constructed for either an article or a video, as follows:

Sample URL for an article http%3A

Sample URL for video http%3A

The table below summarizes the required and optional parameters for the URLs.

thumbnail URL
page title
page description
embed source
embed height
embed width
embed type
embed variables

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