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FPCRequestRateAverageBytesPerSec Object

The FPCRequestRateAverageBytesPerSec object provides access to the configuration settings of certain Web proxy performance counters in a Forefront TMG array.

The configuration settings held in this object apply to the Requests/sec and Client Bytes Sent/sec Web proxy performance counters.

The FPCRequestRateAverageBytesPerSec object is accessed through the RequestRateAverageBytesPerSec property of the FPCPerfCounterSettings object.

Ff796732.bkbutton(en-us,MSDN.10).png Click here to see the Forefront TMG object hierarchy.


The FPCRequestRateAverageBytesPerSec object does not define any methods.


The FPCRequestRateAverageBytesPerSec object defines the following properties.

Property Description


Gets or sets the upper boundary of the range of processing times, in milliseconds, above which requests will be ignored.


Gets or sets the lower boundary of the range of processing times, in milliseconds, below which requests will be ignored.


Gets or sets the upper boundary of the range of sizes, in bytes, above which requests will be ignored.


Gets or sets the lower boundary of the range of sizes, in bytes, below which requests will be ignored.

Interfaces for C++ Programming

This object implements the IFPCRequestRateAverageBytesPerSec interface.


Client Requires Windows 7 or Windows Vista.
Server Requires Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition with SP2.
Version Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010.

Declared in Msfpccom.idl.

See Also

COM Objects

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Build date: 6/30/2010