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System.ServiceModel Namespaces

The System.ServiceModel namespaces contain the types necessary to build Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service and client applications.


Namespace Description
System.ServiceModel Provides classes related to the service model.
System.ServiceModel.Activation Provides classes related to service model activation.
System.ServiceModel.Activation.Configuration Represents the configuration settings for the SMSvcHost.exe tool.This namespace represents the configuration elements that can be configured in the SMSvcHost.exe.config file. Specifically, it includes all machine-wide settings that need to be configured.
System.ServiceModel.Activities The System.ServiceModel.Activities namespace contains classes that allow you to send messages to and receive messages from workflows. These activities are used when writing workflow services and allow you to define how messages are sent and received in a workflow.
System.ServiceModel.Activities.Activation The System.ServiceModel.Activities.Activation namespace contains the WorkflowServiceHostFactory that provides instances of WorkflowServiceHost in managed hosting environments where the host instance is created dynamically in response to incoming messages.
System.ServiceModel.Activities.Configuration The System.ServiceModel.Activities.Configuration namespace contains classes used to configure workflow services. These classes allow you to apply service and endpoint behaviors and configure tracking.
System.ServiceModel.Activities.Description The System.ServiceModel.Activities.Description namespace contains classes that enable you to control various behaviors related to workflow services.
System.ServiceModel.Activities.Presentation Provides classes related to service model presentation activities.
System.ServiceModel.Activities.Presentation.Factories Contains factories that create Receive/SendReply and Send/ReceiveReply activity pairs.
System.ServiceModel.Activities.Tracking The System.ServiceModel.Activities.Tracking namespace contains classes used to create tracking records for a workflow service instance. Tracking records are created by created by the workflow runtime during the execution of a workflow instance, and are sent to registered tracking participants.
System.ServiceModel.Activities.Tracking.Configuration The System.ServiceModel.Activities.Tracking.Configuration namespace contains classes used to configure tracking for service hosted workflows. These classes allow you to specify the tracking information you want your workflow service to generate.
System.ServiceModel.Channels Provides classes related to service model channels.
System.ServiceModel.ComIntegration Defines classes needed for integration with COM applications.
System.ServiceModel.Configuration Provides classes related to service model configuration.
System.ServiceModel.Description Provides classes related to the service model description.
System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics The System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics namespace contains an enumeration that is used to configure performance counters for diagnostics purposes.
System.ServiceModel.Discovery The System.ServiceModel.Discovery namespace contains the classes required for the creation and use of discoverable services. These classes implement the WS-Discovery protocol for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.Configuration The System.ServiceModel.Discovery.Configuration namespace contains classes that allow you to configure discovery settings in a configuration file.
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.Version11 The System.ServiceModel.Discovery.Version11 namespace contains the classes required for the creation and use of discoverable services. These classes implement the WS-Discovery version 1.1 protocol for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.VersionApril2005 The System.ServiceModel.Discovery.VersionApril2005 namespace contains the classes required for the creation and use of discoverable services. These classes implement the April 2005 version of the WS-Discovery protocol for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.VersionCD1 The System.ServiceModel.Discovery.VersionCD1 namespace contains the classes required for the creation and use of discoverable services. These classes implement the Committee Draft 1 version of the WS-Discovery protocol for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher Provides classes related to dispatching the service model.
System.ServiceModel.MsmqIntegration The System.ServiceModel.MsmqIntegration namespace contains classes that relate to Microsoft Message Queuing Service (MSMQ) integration, which allows communication between MSMQ applications and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications.
System.ServiceModel.PeerResolvers The System.ServiceModel.PeerResolvers namespace contains classes that allow developers to customize and extend the Peer Name Resolution Protocol service.
System.ServiceModel.Persistence The System.ServiceModel.Persistence namespace contains classes that allow workflow services (WCF services implemented as workflows) to be persisted into the persistence store.
System.ServiceModel.Routing This namespace contains classes that are used to configure and manage the WCF RoutingService.
System.ServiceModel.Routing.Configuration This namespace contains configuration classes that are used by the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) infrastructure to convert XML into Common Language Runtime (CLR) types. You can also manipulate these classes directly for extensibility purposes.
System.ServiceModel.Security The System.ServiceModel.Security namespace deals with general security-related topics, for example, SecurityAlgorithmSuite.
System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens Deals with security tokens and certificates.
System.ServiceModel.Syndication Provides classes related to service model syndication.
System.ServiceModel.Web Provides classes related to using the service model on the web.
System.ServiceModel.XamlIntegration Provides utility classes to enable the serialization of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) entities to XAML.