
Windows 7 incorporates the Ribbon interface introduced in Office 2007 throughout the operating system, improving the platform's user interface. With the new Scenic ribbon control, developers can deliver a rich, graphical, animated, and highly familiar user interface by using a markup-based UI and a small, high-performance, native code runtime. The Ribbon control helps developers improve usability by exposing your applications most frequently accessed features directly to end users. <br />This unit shows the different aspects of the Windows 7 Ribbon and provides a guide on how to incorporate the Windows 7 Ribbon into existing applications.

Hands-On Labs

  • Ribbon - Native

    This lab steps you through how to add an empty Ribbon to a small application, add various controls with icons, labels, and other resources to the Ribbon, and then connect the controls to the existing command infrastructure of the application. You will also learn how the API maintains separation between control organization and event handling. Finally, the lab will demonstrate how to specify layouts and resizing behavior to show how the Ribbon adapts and performs at different sizes.

  • Ribbon - MFC

    This lab is intended for MFC developers who are developing desktop applications and want to take advantage of the new MFC Ribbon framework. The lab steps you through how to add a default Ribbon to a small application, edit various Ribbon controls in Ribbon Designer, and then use the controls at run time. You will learn how easily MFC Ribbon framework allows you to edit and use Ribbon controls. When you are finished, you will have performed all the steps necessary to add and customize a basic Ribbon in an application. <br /> The lab requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 (or higher)


  • A lap around Windows 7 new Scenic Ribbon

    Windows 7 has a new Ribbon platform developers can leverage to create a new user experience for their applications. Using the Windows 7 Ribbon, developers can eliminate much of the drudgery of Win32 UI development and deliver a rich, graphical, animated, and highly familiar user interface by using markup based UI and a small, high-performance, native code runtime.<br/> Join Nicolas Brun and Ryan Demopoulos as they explain what Windows 7 Ribbon is all about, how developers can use it, and why Microsoft invests resources in creating a new Ribbon for Windows 7.

  • Windows 7 Ribbon Deep Dive

    Windows 7 adopts the successful Office 2007 Ribbon user interface concept. The Windows 7 Ribbon command infrastructure enables developers to quickly and easily create rich ribbon experiences in their applications.<br/> Watch Yochay Kiriaty, Windows 7 Technical Evangelist, and Windows Ribbon product team members Ryan Demopoulos, and Sebastian Poulose as we take a deep dive into the Windows 7 Ribbon API and programming module, focusing on advanced topics such as dynamic galleries.

  • Windows 7 Ribbon Markup Overview

    Windows 7 adopts the successful Office 2007 Ribbon user interface concept. The Windows 7 Ribbon command infrastructure enables developers to quickly and easily create rich ribbon experiences in their applications. Watch Yochay Kiriaty, Windows 7 Technical Evangelist, and Windows Ribbon product team members Shawn Van Ness, and Sebastian Poulose as we present the new Windows 7 Ribbon XML Markup syntax.