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Identity Training Course

Version: 1.6

Claims-based identity is a simple but powerful way of handling identity and access for your web sites and web services, whether you work on-premises or you are targeting the cloud. The videos and hands-on labs in the Identity Developer Training Course will show you how to take advantage of technologies such as Windows Identity Foundation and the Windows Azure AppFabric Access Control Service for easily solving authentication, authorization and identity-driven personalization challenges. As you go through the course you will soon discover that claims-based identity equips you with skills that can be reused for securing a wide range of application types, from ASP.NET websites to WCF web services.


Web Sites

This unit will explore how to take advantage of Windows Identity Foundation for enhancing a classic ASP.NET Web application and enhance a common ASP.NET membership provider website with advanced identity capabilities, enabling new scenarios without disrupting the existing functionalities or your user’s experience. At the end of the unit you will be able to take your own ASP.NET applications and externalize authentication and authorization code.

Web Services

Exploring this unit you will learn how to take advantage of the new model, classes and tools that constitute Windows Identity Foundation to authenticate and authorize web service calls, take advantage of production STSes for externalizing authentication, authorize access by imposing conditions on incoming claims and handle delegation scenarios. It also includes a complete lab that will walk you through all the practicalities of taking advantage of the unique characteristics of the Windows Azure environment from your Windows Identity Foundation settings.

Identity and the Windows Azure Platform

Whether you are looking at reusing your on-premises identity for SSO in the cloud or you are searching for a way to handle access control for your REST services, in this unit you will find useful indications on how to address your identity challenges with Windows Identity Foundation in Windows Azure or taking advantage of the AppFabric Access Control

Identity and Silverlight Applications Development

This unit suggests ways in which you can take advantage of claims-based identity from within your Silverlight application. You will learn how to leverage existing identity stores to achieve single sign on to your application, use claims for guaranteeing your users a custom-tailored experience, and how to adapt to the Silverlight environment the Windows Identity Foundation programming model that is already being successfully used with web sites and web services.