Why Develop for Windows

Learn why Microsoft PixelSense is great for developing applications using touch and objects.


Download the Microsoft Surface 2.0 SDK.

Get Started

Get training to design and develop touch applications for Samsung SUR40 with Microsoft PixelSense and Windows touch PCs.


Bring people together to connect, learn and decide using touch and everyday objects

The Microsoft Surface 2.0 SDK makes it easy to write applications designed for touch – but that’s just the beginning. Use the resources below to help design amazing applications that people will demand.

Design and Interaction Guide

Development Whitepaper


Windows 7 touch

WPF dev center

Developer Forums

Hands on labs

SDK documentation

Migration PowerToy

Microsoft Surface 2.0 Administration Guide

Tagged Object Whitepaper

Code samples

XNA dev center

Microsoft PixelSense homepage
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PixelSense blog