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SetContinuationToken(TElement) Method

Forwards the call to the SetContinuationToken method on pagingProvider to give the continuation token ($skiptoken) from the request URI, parsed into primitive values, to the provider.

Namespace:  System.Data.Services.Providers
Assembly:  Microsoft.Data.Services (in Microsoft.Data.Services.dll)


Public Shared Function SetContinuationToken(Of TElement) ( _
    pagingProvider As IDataServicePagingProvider, _
    query As IQueryable(Of TElement), _
    resourceType As ResourceType, _
    continuationToken As Object() _
) As IQueryable(Of TElement)
Dim pagingProvider As IDataServicePagingProvider
Dim query As IQueryable(Of TElement)
Dim resourceType As ResourceType
Dim continuationToken As Object()
Dim returnValue As IQueryable(Of TElement)

returnValue = DataServiceExecutionProviderMethods.SetContinuationToken(pagingProvider, _
    query, resourceType, continuationToken)
public static IQueryable<TElement> SetContinuationToken<TElement>(
    IDataServicePagingProvider pagingProvider,
    IQueryable<TElement> query,
    ResourceType resourceType,
    Object[] continuationToken
generic<typename TElement>
static IQueryable<TElement>^ SetContinuationToken(
    IDataServicePagingProvider^ pagingProvider, 
    IQueryable<TElement>^ query, 
    ResourceType^ resourceType, 
    array<Object^>^ continuationToken
static member SetContinuationToken : 
        pagingProvider:IDataServicePagingProvider * 
        query:IQueryable<'TElement> * 
        resourceType:ResourceType * 
        continuationToken:Object[] -> IQueryable<'TElement> 
JScript does not support generic types and methods.

Type Parameters

  • TElement
    Element type of the query.


  • continuationToken
    Type: array<System..::..Object> [] () [] []
    Continuation token parsed into primitive typed values.

Return Value

Type: System.Linq..::..IQueryable< (Of < ( <'TElement> ) > ) >
Returns query after calling SetContinuationToken.


This method simply forwards the call to IDataServicePagingProvider.SetContinuationToken(). This method is added because IDataServicePagingProvider.SetContinuationToken() returns void and this method returns query so that we can call SetContinuationToken() in the expression tree without using the Block expression, to make the expression tree simpler to visit.

See Also


DataServiceExecutionProviderMethods Class

System.Data.Services.Providers Namespace