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Microsoft.Data.Tools.Model Namespace


  Class Description
Public class ExternalModelChangeEventArgs
Public class ModelChangeEventArgs
Public class ModelNodeChangeInfo
Public class ModelProviderFactory
Public class PlaceholderResources
Public class QualifiedFormatter
Public class QualifiedIdentifier
Public class QualifiedIdentifierArrayCollection A QualifiedIdentifierCollection that format to a comma separated list
Public class QualifiedIdentifierCollection Contains a list of Qualified Identifiers. This can be stored inside the .Value part of a Qualified Identifier. This is an immutable list once created. We use an abstract class since this class does not know the formatting required to serialize the list back out to a string. The derived class will know this.
Public class QualifiedIdentifierConverter A type converter that can be used to convert to and from QualifiedIdentifier. The editor converter derives from this one.
Public class QualifiedIdentifierNestedCollection A QualifiedIdentifierCollection that format to a space separated list
Public class QualifiedName


  Interface Description
Public interface ICollectionProperty< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) >
Public interface IMetaData
Public interface IModel The root of a model tree in memory.
Public interface IModelElement Base class for all model objects. All object instances representing the model or any of the data in it are ultimately subclassed from this type.
Public interface IModelObject
Public interface IModelPersistenceService
Public interface IModelProperty Provides meta data about a particular property of a particular model class.
Public interface IModelProvider
Public interface IQualifiedIdentifier
Public interface IReferenceableModelObject
Public interface IReferenceProperty
Public interface IReferenceProperty< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Subclass of ModelProperty that describes property meta data for a property that represents a reference by name to another model object.
Public interface ISupportedMetaData
Public interface ITransaction
Public interface IValueProperty
Public interface IValueProperty< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > Subclass of ModelProperty that describes property meta data for a property that represents a value (i.e. something with cardinality 1 such as Name).


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ResolveAliasingIndexToIdentifier


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration BindingStatus Enum to indicate the status of a binding.
Public enumeration ModelNodeChangeType