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-ms-content-zoom-snap-type property

Specifies how zooming is affected by defined snap-points.

This property is read/write.

Internet Explorer 10



-ms-content-zoom-snap-type: none | proximity | mandatory

Property values

One of the following values.

  • none
    Initial value. Indicates that zooming is unaffected by any defined snap-points. After the contact is picked up, the content will continue to move with inertia.

  • proximity
    Indicates that the motion of the content after the contact is picked up may be adjusted if the content would normally stop "close enough" to a snap-point. This implies that it is possible for the content zoom factor to end up between snap-points.

  • mandatory
    Indicates that the motion of the content after the contact is picked up is always adjusted so that it lands on a snap-point. The snap-point that is selected is the one that is closest to where the content zoom factor would normally stop.

CSS information

Applies To non-replaced block-level elements and non-replaced inline-block elements
Media interactive
Inherited no
Initial Value none


This property has no effect on non-zoomable elements. See -ms-content-zooming for details on zoomable elements.

When a user pans or scrolls and then lifts his or her contact (for instance, a finger), the content can continue to move with inertia. Snap-points can change the animation that runs when the user lifts his or her finger so that you can adjust where the content will stop. By placing snap-points, you can make it easy for your users to manipulate your content and make your content stop at convenient or key places.

Starting with Windows 8.1, this property is also supported for touchpad interaction.

This property requires Windows 8 or later.

See also


Windows apps using JavaScript Samples: HTML scrolling, panning and zooming sample



Internet Explorer Samples: Scrolling, panning, and zooming with touch input

