loop property

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

Sets or retrieves the number of times a sound or video clip will loop when activated.


HRESULT value = object.put_loop(VARIANT v);HRESULT value = object.get_loop(VARIANT* p);

Property values



Loops infinitely.


Loops one time.


Number of times to loop.

Value Condition

Default. Loops once.



To restart a sound or video clip after changing its loop property, set the src property or dynsrc property to itself. For example:

oBGSound.src = oBGSound.src

The following are descriptions of how the loop property works for some boundary cases.

<BGSOUND src="file:///c:\win95\system\msremind.wav"> Loops one time
<BGSOUND src="file:///c:\win95\system\msremind.wav" LOOP> Loops one time.
<BGSOUND src="file:///c:\win95\system\msremind.wav" LOOP=> Loops one time.
<BGSOUND src="file:///c:\win95\system\msremind.wav" LOOP=0> Loops one time.
<BGSOUND src="file:///c:\win95\system\msremind.wav" LOOP=-1> Loops infinitely.


In Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, when you restart a video by changing its loop property, the video opens and plays in a new window.



Build date: 1/26/2012