Applies To: System Center 2012 - Virtual Machine Manager
Gets a VMM virtual communication (COM) port object from a virtual machine, a virtual machine template, or a hardware profile.
Parameter Set: All
Get-SCVirtualCOMPort -All [-VMMServer <ServerConnection> ] [ <CommonParameters>]
Parameter Set: HardwareProfile
Get-SCVirtualCOMPort -HardwareProfile <HardwareProfile> [ <CommonParameters>]
Parameter Set: Template
Get-SCVirtualCOMPort -VMTemplate <Template> [ <CommonParameters>]
Parameter Set: VM
Get-SCVirtualCOMPort -VM <VM> [ <CommonParameters>]
Detailed Description
The Get-SCVirtualCOMPort cmdlet gets one or both System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) virtual COM port objects from a virtual machine object, a virtual machine template object, or a hardware profile object.
A virtual COM port can connect to a physical port on a virtual machine host server, to a text file, or to a named pipe. Each virtual machine, virtual machine template, and hardware profile contains exactly two COM ports.
For more information about Get-SCVirtualCOMPort, type: "Get-Help Get-SCVirtualCOMPort -online".
Retrieves a full list of all subordinate objects independent of the parent object. For example, the command Get-SCVirtualDiskDrive -All retrieves all virtual disk drive objects regardless of the virtual machine object or template object that each virtual disk drive object is associated with.
Aliases |
none |
Required? |
true |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
none |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
true (ByValue) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Specifies a hardware profile object.
Aliases |
none |
Required? |
true |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
none |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
true (ByValue) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Specifies a virtual machine object.
Aliases |
none |
Required? |
true |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
none |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
true (ByValue) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Specifies a VMM server object.
Aliases |
none |
Required? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
none |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
true (ByValue) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
Specifies a VMM template object used to create virtual machines.
Aliases |
none |
Required? |
true |
Position? |
named |
Default Value |
none |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
true (ByValue) |
Accept Wildcard Characters? |
false |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet.
The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.
- VirtualCOMPort
- Requires a VMM virtual machine object, virtual machine template object, or hardware profile object. You can retrieve these objects by using the Get-SCVirtualMachine, Get-SCVMTemplate, and Get-SCHardwareProfile cmdlets, respectively.
1: Get COM ports from a virtual machine.
The first command gets the virtual machine object named VM01 and stores the object in the $VM variable.
The second command retrieves the virtual COM port objects on VM01 and displays information about these ports to the user.
PS C:\> $VM = Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name "VM01"
PS C:\> Get-SCVirtualCOMPort -VM $VM
2: Get COM ports from a template.
The first command gets the virtual machine template object VMTemplate01 and stores the object in the $VMTemplate variable.
The second command gets the virtual COM port objects VMTemplate01 and displays information about these ports to the user.
PS C:\> $VMTemplate = Get-SCVMTemplate | where { $_.Name -eq "VMTemplate01" }
PS C:\> Get-SCVirtualCOMPort -VMTemplate $VMTemplate
3: Get COM ports from a hardware profile.
The first command gets the hardware profile object named NewHWProfile01 and stores the object in the $HWProfile variable.
The second command gets the virtual COM port objects NewHWProfile01 and displays information about these ports to the user.
PS C:\> $HWProfile = Get-SCHardwareProfile | where { $_.Name -eq "NewHWProfile01" }
PS C:\> Get-SCVirtualCOMPort -HardwareProfile $HWProfile