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SmoothStreaming Schema Reference

The XML elements that form the request body and response body of Smooth Streaming REST Services publishing point management are included in the SmoothStreaming schema. The schema is defined in the SmoothStreaming.xsd file and includes the following elements:

SmoothStreaming Element

    Settings Element

        Title Element

        SourceType Element

        EstimatedDuration Element

        AutoStart Element

        AutoRestartOnEncoderReconnect Element

        LookAheadChunks Element

        Archive Element

            SegmentLength Element

            Path Element

        ClientConnections Element

            WindowLength Element

            LiveCacheLength Element

            ClientManifestVersion Element

        ServerConnections Element

            SendEndOfStreamOnStop Element

        PullFrom Element | PushTo Element

            PublishingPoints Element

                PublishingPoint Element

        Modules Element

            Module Element

    State Element (SmoothStreaming)

        Value Element

        LastError Element

    Statistics Element

        InputStreams Element

            InputStream Element

                State Element (InputStream)

                ArchiveFileName Element

                Sources Element (Sources)

                    Source Element (Sources)

                        Properties Element

                            Property Element

                Sinks Element

                    Sink Element

                        Properties Element

                            Property Element

                Tracks Element

                    Track Element

                        Name Element

                        EncodedBitRate Element

                        IncomingBitRate Element

                        IncomingFragmentWaitTime Element

                        IncomingFragmentTimeStamp Element

                        IncomingFragmentDuration Element

                        RequestRate Element

        OutputStreams Element

            OuputStream Element

                LastOutputFragmentTimestamp Element

    Error Element

        ErrorCode Element

        ErrorMessage Element

        InternalError Element