Web Server Core Interfaces
This section describes the Web Server Core and integrated request-processing pipeline interfaces.
In This Section
The following table lists the interfaces exposed by the integrated request-processing pipeline.
Interface | Description |
IAuthenticationProvider | Accepts a validated IHttpUser pointer through the SetUser method. |
ICacheProvider | Extends the IHttpEventProvider interface by adding support for retrieving cache information from a cache provider. |
ICustomNotificationProvider | Provides an interface for creating custom notifications. |
IDispensedHttpModuleContextContainer | Extends the IHttpEventProvider interface by providing functionality for releasing a container. |
IFileKey | Represents key information for accessing associated data in the global file cache. |
IGlobalApplicationPreloadProvider | Provides a global-level interface for preloading an application into server memory. |
IGlobalApplicationPreloadProvider2 | Provides information about whether an application’s worker process is recycled. |
IGlobalConfigurationChangeProvider | Provides a global-level interface for GL_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE notifications. |
IGlobalFileChangeProvider | Provides a global-level interface for GL_FILE_CHANGE notifications. |
IGlobalRscaQueryProvider | Extends the IHttpEventProvider interface by adding support for querying IIS Run-Time Status and Control information. |
IGlobalStopListeningProvider | Provides an interface for notifications that indicate whether a worker process is shutting down and will stop listening for new requests. |
IGlobalThreadCleanupProvider | Provides an interface for thread cleanup notifications. |
IGlobalTraceEventProvider | Extends the IHttpEventProvider interface by providing trace events for CGlobalModule derived classes. |
IHttpApplication | Retrieves application-specific configuration information. |
IHttpApplication2 | Provides an interface for loading a Web application into server memory and initializing it before the first HTTP request arrives. |
IHttpApplicationProvider | Provides an interface for application startup notifications. |
IHttpApplicationResolveModulesProvider | Provides an interface for registering HTTP modules. |
IHttpCacheKey | Provides key information for corresponding data that is stored in a global cache. |
IHttpCachePolicy | Provides CHttpModule derived classes access to the setting and getting policy for request caching. |
IHttpCachePolicy2 | Provides CHttpModule derived classes access to the setting and getting policy for request caching. |
IHttpCachePolicy2 Interface | Provides access to methods and properties that can force updates to the cache. This interface is only available in IIS 7.5. |
IHttpCacheSpecificData | Provides information and access methods for data that is stored in a global cache. |
IHttpCompletionInfo | Provides information about an asynchronous completion. |
IHttpCompletionInfo2 | Provides an interface to get the number of bytes completed by an asynchronous operation. |
IHttpConnection | Provides an interface for connection-specific information. |
IHttpContext | Defines an object that represents the processing context for request-level operations. |
IHttpContext2 | Represents the reprocessing of an HTTP request and enables the retrieval of information about the original user during asynchronous operation. |
IHttpContext3 | Represents the reprocessing of an HTTP request and enables additional support for asynchronous operations. |
IHttpContext4 | Represents the reprocessing of an HTTP request and enables additional support for diagnostic operations. |
IHttpEventProvider | Provides a generic event-reporting interface. |
IHttpFileInfo | Extends the IHttpCacheSpecificData interface by adding file-specific information for files that are cached on a server. |
IHttpFileMonitor | File change monitor. |
IHttpModuleContextContainer | Maintains a collection of IHttpStoredContext pointers. |
IHttpModuleFactory | Manages the creation of a CHttpModule class. |
IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo | Retrieves and sets a module's registration information. |
IHttpPerfCounterInfo | Provides an interface for incrementing and decrementing performance counters. |
IHttpRequest | Provides an interface to an HTTP request object. |
IHttpRequest2 | Provides an interface for retrieving the channel binding token (CBT) being used for request validation. |
IHttpRequest3 | Provides an interface for reading the request results into a buffer. |
IHttpResponse | Provides an interface to an HTTP response object. |
IHttpResponse2 | Provides an interface for flushing data and writing entity data chunks for asynchronous operations. |
IHttpServer | Represents the processing context for global-level operations. |
IHttpServer2 | Represents the processing context for global-level operations, and enables retrieving configuration files, extended interfaces, metadata, tokens, and the worker process framework. |
IHttpSite | Provides site-specific information within the current context. |
IHttpStoredContext | Defines context information for stored data. |
IHttpTokenEntry | Extends the IHttpCacheSpecificData interface by adding token-specific information for tokens that are cached on a server. |
IHttpTokenKey | Represents key information for accessing associated data in the global token cache. |
IHttpTraceContext | Provides a request-wide method for modules to raise events into the IIS 7 tracing infrastructure. |
IHttpUrlInfo | Provides URL-specific information within the current context. |
IHttpUser | Provides request-specific information about a user. |
IMapHandlerProvider | Provides a request-level interface for processing for RQ_MAP_REQUEST_HANDLER notifications. |
IMapPathProvider | Retrieves information about a path that is being physically mapped. |
IMetadataInfo | Retrieves metadata information for the current context. |
IModuleAllocator | Allocates memory within the current request's memory pool. |
INamedContextContainer | Provides an interface for binding and retrieving a named context. |
IPreBeginRequestProvider | Provides a global-level interface for GL_PRE_BEGIN_REQUEST notifications. |
IReadEntityProvider | Provides an interface for retrieving or modifying the request entity. |
IReferencedMetadataInfo | Provides an interface for referencing and dereferencing context metadata. |
IScriptMapInfo | Retrieves configuration settings for request handlers. |
ISendResponseProvider | Retrieves or modifies information about the current response. |
IUriKey | Represents key information for accessing associated data in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) cache. |
IWebSocketContext | Represents context support for bi-directional WebSocket communications over a single TCP socket. |