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ConvertToRdfType(T) Generic Method

Converts the current RDF object to another RDF type and returns the resulting object.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Imm.Sdk.Rdf
Assembly:  Microsoft.Imm.Sdk (in Microsoft.Imm.Sdk)
Version: (


public T ConvertToRdfType<T>() where T : SubjectBase

Type Parameters

  • T
    The target RDF type

Return Value

An RDF object of the specified type that contains a reference to the current object's underlying TripleCollection


Note that, in this example, we are converting up to a parent type but none of the underlying data is lost.


Container myContainer = new Container(new Uri("guid:_" + Guid.NewGuid()));
VideoItem myVideo = new VideoItem(new Uri("guid:_" + Guid.NewGuid()));
// ItemCollection is an array of "Item" so we must convert our VideoItem.
Item myVideoAsItem = myVideo.ConvertToRdfType<Item>();

See Also

SubjectBase Class

Microsoft.Imm.Sdk.Rdf Namespace