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IsReference Property

Specifies wether or not a specific RDF object is a reference that does not actually contain any triples

Namespace:  Microsoft.Imm.Sdk.Rdf
Assembly:  Microsoft.Imm.Sdk (in Microsoft.Imm.Sdk)
Version: (


public bool IsReference { get; }


This property indicates whether the underlying triples contain actually data about the current object or whether the current object exists only as a reference in RDF. If this property is "true," none of the properties will have values because none were returned during the original query. To "get" the object's properties, one can either re-query the DAM for the current subject, or modify the original query to return a deeper graph and "include" the current subject-type in the result set.

See Also

SubjectBase Class

Microsoft.Imm.Sdk.Rdf Namespace