AuthenticateAsClient Method (String, SslProtocols[])

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Called by clients to authenticate the server and optionally the client in a client-server connection. The authentication process uses the specified SSL protocols.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security
Assembly:  System.Net.Security (in System.Net.Security.dll)


Public Sub AuthenticateAsClient ( _
    targetHost As String, _
    ParamArray sslProtocols As SslProtocols() _
public void AuthenticateAsClient(
    string targetHost,
    params SslProtocols[] sslProtocols
void AuthenticateAsClient(
    String^ targetHost, 
    ... array<SslProtocols>^ sslProtocols
member AuthenticateAsClient : 
        targetHost:string * 
        sslProtocols:SslProtocols[] -> unit 
public function AuthenticateAsClient(
    targetHost : String, 
    ... sslProtocols : SslProtocols[]


.NET Framework Security

See Also


SslStream Class

AuthenticateAsClient Overload

Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security Namespace