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ATL Collection and Enumerator Classes


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The latest version of this topic can be found at ATL Collection and Enumerator Classes.

ATL provides the following classes to help you implement collections and enumerators.

Class Description
ICollectionOnSTLImpl Collection interface implementation
IEnumOnSTLImpl Enumerator interface implementation (assumes data stored in an STL-compatible container)
CComEnumImpl Enumerator interface implementation (assumes data stored in an array)
CComEnumOnSTL Enumerator object implementation (uses IEnumOnSTLImpl)
CComEnum Enumerator object implementation (uses CComEnumImpl)
_Copy Copy policy class
_CopyInterface Copy policy class
CAdapt Adapter class (hides operator & allowing CComPtr, CComQIPtr, and CComBSTR to be stored in STL containers)

See Also

Collections and Enumerators