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ReadyStateChange event

This event occurs when the state of the MapPoint Control has changed. When it fires, check the ReadyState property of the MappointControl object to ascertain the readiness state of the control.

Applies to

Objects:  MappointControl



Part Description
object An expression that evaluates to a MappointControl object.


Do not make this event infinitely recursive by calling itself or causing itself to be called.


    'This sample needs the MapPoint Control
  'and a list box added to the form

  Private Sub Form_Load()     MappointControl1.NewMap geoMapNorthAmerica   End Sub
  Private Sub MappointControl1_ReadyStateChange()     Dim strNewState As String
    Select Case MappointControl1.ReadyState       Case READYSTATE_COMPLETE         strNewState = "Complete"       Case READYSTATE_INTERACTIVE         strNewState = "Interactive"       Case READYSTATE_LOADED         strNewState = "Loaded"       Case READYSTATE_LOADING         strNewState = "Loading"       Case READYSTATE_UNINITIALIZED         strNewState = "Uninitialized"     End Select     List1.AddItem "Ready state changed: " & strNewState   End Sub