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About latitude and longitude

Latitude measures how far north or south of the Equator a place is located. The Equator is situated at 0°, the North Pole at 90° north (or simply 90°, since a positive latitude number implies north), and the South Pole at 90° south (or –90°). Latitude measurements range from 0° to (+/-)90°.

Longitude measures how far east or west of the Prime Meridian a place is located. The Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich, England. Longitude is measured in terms of east, implied by a positive number, or west, implied by a negative number. Longitude measurements range from 0° to (+/-)180°.

The MapPoint Location Sensor displays latitude and longitude coordinates using decimal degrees. You can search for longitude and latitude coordinates using decimal degrees or DMS (degrees, minutes, and seconds) format on the Lat/Long tab in the Find dialog box.

Note  MapPoint maps are based on the WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984) datum. Some maps and GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) systems are based on other datums. Latitude and longitude coordinates obtained from a map or GPS system based on another datum may appear in a different place on MapPoint maps.

More information

Find a place using latitude and longitude coordinates

Display latitude and longitude coordinates