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Show or hide places on the map

You can specify which categories of places you want shown on the map and hide the places you don't want displayed.

  1. On the View menu, click Show or Hide Places.
  2. On the Restaurants tab, select the check box next to each category of restaurant you'd like to see on the map.
  3. On the Places tab, select the check box next to each individual category of place you'd like to see on the map.
  4. Click Apply to preview your selections on the map.
  5. Click OK to set the changes.


More than a few categories selected at a time can clutter your map.

To show all restaurants and places, click Check All.

To hide all restaurants and places, click Uncheck All.

To quickly select a few categories of restaurants or places, first click Uncheck All, and then make your selection.

To clear a check box, click it again.

You can still search for an individual restaurant, hotel, or other place on the map using Find, even if you have hidden that category.

Note  Your settings will also affect the places listed in the Find Nearby Places pane. You can change these same settings on the Find Nearby Places pane by clicking Show or Hide Places.

About finding locations on the map