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CallMatchMethod method

Returns the result of matching the specified record to the map. If there is an exact match, MapPoint matches the record and the user's method (MethodName) is not called. If MapPoint finds more than one possible match, the MethodName method is called to resolve the ambiguity. If the record is matched by either MapPoint or the MethodName method, returns True. If MapPoint or the MethodName method is unable to find a match, returns False. Read-only Boolean.

Applies to

Objects:  Recordset


object.CallMatchMethod(MethodName, MethodObject)


Part Description
object Required. An expression that returns a Recordset object.
MethodName Required String. Name of the user's method that is called to match records to the map when MapPoint finds more than one possible match.
MethodObject Required Object. The user's object to which the MethodName method is applied.


The user's method must be callable from a COM object (on a form or in a class) and use the syntax described in MethodName syntax. The result of this method is a value that is a 1-based index into the FindResults collection. If the method returns -1, MapPoint will not match the record.


Note  This sample assumes that the code is running in a form or class module.

    Sub MatchAllAmbiguousRecords()
    Dim objApp As New MapPoint.Application
    Dim objDataSet As MapPoint.DataSet
    Dim objRecords As MapPoint.Recordset

    'Set up application and objects to use     objApp.Visible = True     objApp.UserControl = True
    'Let user create data map     Set objDataSet = _       objApp.ActiveMap.DataSets.ShowImportWizard
    'Match all ambiguous records to first choice     Set objRecords = objDataSet.QueryAllRecords     objRecords.MoveFirst     Do While Not objRecords.EOF       If Not objRecords.IsMatched Then         objRecords.CallMatchMethod "AutoMatchToFirstPick", Me       End If       objRecords.MoveNext     Loop   End Sub
  Public Function AutoMatchToFirstPick( _       Name As String, _       Results As FindResults) _       As Long     AutoMatchToFirstPick = 1   End Function