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MoveNext method

Sets the current record of the record set to the next record. If the current record is the last record, it is set to the position after the last record (and the EOF property of the Recordset object becomes True). Calling the MoveNext method while the EOF property is True results in an error.

Applies to

Objects:  Recordset




Part Description
object Required. An expression that returns a Recordset object.


    Sub TraverseRecordset()

  Dim objApp As New MapPoint.Application
  Dim objRS As MapPoint.Recordset
  objApp.Visible = True
  objApp.UserControl = True

  'Query to obtain all records in the record set
  Set objRS = objApp.OpenMap(objApp.Path & "\Samples\Sales.ptm").DataSets(1).QueryAllRecords

  'Add values for all records
  Dim dTotal As Double
  Do Until objRS.EOF
    dTotal = dTotal + CDbl(objRS.Fields("Our Sales ($)").Value)
  MsgBox "Total Sales: " & Format(dTotal, "$#,###,###.00")

End Sub

Note  This sample code contains data that is specific for use in MapPoint North America; it is for illustration purposes only.