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HyperlinkCalculated property

Returns or sets the string used by MapPoint to automatically create hyperlinks for each place based on the geographic unit to which data is mapped. The string must be a hyperlink that includes an asterisk (*) as a placeholder for place names. For example: "*.htm". The HyperlinkType property of the DataSet object must be set to geoHyperlinkCalculated. Read/write String.

Applies to

Objects:  DataSet




Part Description
object Required. An expression that returns a DataSet object.


    Sub SetHyperlinkCalculatedField()

  Dim objApp As New MapPoint.Application   Dim objMap As MapPoint.Map   Dim objPin As MapPoint.Pushpin
  'Set up the application   Set objMap = objApp.ActiveMap   objApp.Visible = True   objApp.UserControl = True
  'Add a Pushpin to the map   Set objPin = objMap.AddPushpin(objMap.FindResults("Seattle, WA")(1))   objPin.BalloonState = geoDisplayBalloon
  'Create a hyperlink for the Pushpin data set and go to that link   objMap.DataSets(1).HyperlinkType = geoHyperlinkCalculated   objMap.DataSets(1).HyperlinkCalculated = "*"   objPin.Hyperlink.Follow
  End Sub

Note  This sample code is specific for use in MapPoint North America; it is for illustration purposes only.