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ShowDataBy property

Returns the geographic entity (GeoShowDataBy value) by which a data set is mapped. If geoShowByZoomLevel is used to map data, returns the geographic entity by which the data is mapped at the current view. Read-only GeoShowDataBy.

Applies to

Objects:  DataMap




Part Description
object Required. An expression that returns a DataMap object.


    Sub GetInfoAboutDataMap()
    Dim objApp As New mappoint.Application
    Dim objDataMap As mappoint.DataMap
    Dim objDataSet As mappoint.DataSet

    'Set up application and objects to use     objApp.Visible = True     objApp.UserControl = True
    'Let user create a data map     Set objDataMap = objApp.ActiveMap.DataSets.ShowDataMappingWizard()
    'Get information about the data map     Select Case objDataMap.ShowDataBy       Case geoShowByCensus1         MsgBox "Data shown by Census 1 areas."       Case geoShowByCensus2         MsgBox "Data shown by Census 2 areas."       Case geoShowByCity         MsgBox "Data shown by City."       Case geoShowByCountry         MsgBox "Data shown by Country."       Case geoShowByLatLong         MsgBox "Data shown by Latitude/Longitude coordinates."       Case geoShowByOSGridRef         MsgBox "Data shown by Ordnance Survey grid."       Case geoShowByPostal1         MsgBox "Data shown by Postal 1 areas."       Case geoShowByPostal2         MsgBox "Data shown by Postal 2 areas."       Case geoShowByPostal3         MsgBox "Data shown by Postal 3 areas."       Case geoShowByPostal4         MsgBox "Data shown by Postal 4 areas."       Case geoShowByRegion1         MsgBox "Data shown by Region 1 areas."       Case geoShowByRegion2         MsgBox "Data shown by Region 2 areas."       Case geoShowByRegion3         MsgBox "Data shown by Region 3 areas."       Case geoShowByStreetAddress         MsgBox "Data shown by Street Address."       Case geoShowByTerritory         MsgBox "Data shown by Territory."     End Select   End Sub