Export data to Microsoft Excel
You can export data from the map to Microsoft Excel. When you export data to Excel, MapPoint includes information about pushpins, pushpin sets (data sets), and custom territories. You can export data by selecting it on the map or by selecting a data set name in the legend.
Export data you select on the map
On the map, zoom to the area that contains the data you want to export to Microsoft Excel.
Right-click and then drag your mouse over the area on the map that contains the data you want to export. Make sure that the rectangle contains all of the data you want to export.
- or -
Draw a closed shape (such as a drivetime zone or freeform, rectangle, oval, or radius circle shape) around the data you want to export.
Right-click inside the shape, and then, on the menu, click Export to Excel.
Export a data set name from the legend
Select the data set name in the legend.
On the Data menu, click Export to Excel.
- or -
Click Export to Excel
Microsoft Excel starts, and the data sets or any data mapped entirely within the shape you drew is exported and presented in an Excel workbook. The workbook includes a header sheet with the dimensions of the area you selected, the name of each data set that was included, and the total number of records exported from each set.
Each data set is included on a separate tab of the Excel workbook with the first tab as the header sheet.
You can only export data from one closed shape at a time; that is, any shapes on the map other than the selected closed shape will be ignored.
Selecting an area or shape at a high altitude could result in unreliable export data. It is possible that the two-dimensional shape will extend beyond the three-dimensional curvature of the Earth that is rendered on the map. To avoid this problem, try the following:
Select the shape, and on the View menu, point to Zoom map, and then click To selection.
To zoom to the lowest possible altitude that shows the data you want to export, left-click an area on the map. Then right-click, and on the menu, click Zoom to to select the area that includes that data.
To export the entire set, select the data set name in the legend.
Data that does not appear entirely within the selected area or shape may or may not be exported. Every mapped data point has a centroid — a point representing the center of the geographic area to which the data is mapped — that is affected by the map projection and elevation. If the centroid for a particular data point is within the selected area or shape, the data is exported, and if not, the data is not exported. For some data, you may have better results creating a more precise shape, such as a freeform shape, surrounding the data subset that you want to export.
If your map includes territories or data mapped to territories, territory definitions are exported to one sheet and any data mapped to territories are exported to a separate sheet.