Obtaining more data
MapPoint comes with its own set of demographic data that you can use to create data maps, but you can purchase additional data from other companies as well.
Demographic data from other companies
You can purchase additional demographic data that is not included in MapPoint from AGSClaritas.
More demographic data from AGS
Demographic data in MapPoint
MapPoint comes with its own set of demographic data that you can access through the Data Mapping Wizard. To use this data, on the Data Set page of the Data Mapping Wizard, click Add demographics to the map and select the demographic data set you want from the list.
Your own data
You can compile your own data and import it or link to it from MapPoint. To use your own data, on the Data Set page of the Data Mapping Wizard, click either Import data to map it or Link to data to map it, and then browse for the file you want.