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Azure Media Services release notes

These release notes for Azure Media Services summarize changes from previous releases and known issues.

We want to hear from our customers so that we can focus on fixing problems that affect you. To report a problem or ask questions, submit a post in the [Azure Media Services MSDN Forum].

Known issues

Media Services general issues

Issue Description
Several common HTTP headers aren't provided in the REST API. If you develop Media Services applications by using the REST API, you find that some common HTTP header fields (including CLIENT-REQUEST-ID, REQUEST-ID, and RETURN-CLIENT-REQUEST-ID) aren't supported. The headers will be added in a future update.
Percent-encoding isn't allowed. Media Services uses the value of the IAssetFile.Name property when building URLs for the streaming content (for example, http://{AMSAccount}{GUID}/{IAssetFile.Name}/streamingParameters). For this reason, percent-encoding isn't allowed. The value of the Name property can't have any of the following percent-encoding-reserved characters: !*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]". Also, there can be only one "." for the file name extension.
The ListBlobs method that is part of the Azure Storage SDK version 3.x fails. Media Services generates SAS URLs based on the 2012-02-12 version. If you want to use the Storage SDK to list blobs in a blob container, use the CloudBlobContainer.ListBlobs method that is part of the Storage SDK version 2.x.
The Media Services throttling mechanism restricts the resource usage for applications that make excessive requests to the service. The service might return the "Service Unavailable" 503 HTTP status code. For more information, see the description of the 503 HTTP status code in Media Services error codes.
When you query entities, a limit of 1,000 entities is returned at one time because the public REST version 2 limits query results to 1,000 results. Use Skip and Take (.NET)/top (REST) as described in this .NET example and this REST API example.
Some clients can come across a repeat tag issue in the Smooth Streaming manifest. For more information, see this section.
Media Services .NET SDK objects can't be serialized and as a result don't work with Azure Cache for Redis. If you try to serialize the SDK AssetCollection object to add it to Azure Cache for Redis, an exception is thrown.
The REST API responds with an error message saying “The filter cannot be accessed by this version of REST Api” when attempting to get an Asset or Account level filter. The filter was created or modified with a newer API version than is being used to try to get the filter. This can happen if two API versions are being used by code or tools being used by the customer. The best solution here is to upgrade the code or tools to use the newer or the two API versions.

REST API version history

For information about the Media Services REST API version history, see the [Azure Media Services REST API reference].

February 2021

Azure Media Services v2 API and SDKs deprecation announcement

Update your Azure Media Services REST API and SDKs to v3 by 29 February 2024

Because version 3 of Azure Media Services REST API and client SDKs for .NET and Java offers more capabilities than version 2, we’re retiring version 2 of the Azure Media Services REST API and client SDKs for .NET and Java. We encourage you to make the switch sooner to gain the richer benefits of version 3 of Azure Media Services REST API and client SDKs for .NET and Java. Version 3 provides:

  • 24x7 live event support
  • ARM REST APIs, client SDKs for .NET core, Node.js, Python, Java, and Go.
  • Customer managed keys, trusted storage integration, private link support, and more

Action Required:

To minimize disruption to your workloads, review the migration guide to transition your code from the version 2 API and SDKs to version 3 API and SDK before 29 February 2024. After 29 February 2024, Azure Media Services will no longer accept traffic on the version 2 REST API, the ARM account management API version 2015-10-01, or from the version 2 .NET client SDKs. This includes any 3rd party open-source client SDKS that may call the version 2 API.

See the official Azure Updates announcement.

September 2020

The following v2 properties will no longer be populated with historical job progress data:

To get task history, you should use the v2 job notifications via webhooks or queue messages using Notification Endpoints. For more information, see:

February 2020

Some analytics media processors will be retired. For the retirement dates, see the legacy components topic.

September 2019

Deprecation of media processors

We are announcing deprecation of Azure Media Indexer and Azure Media Indexer 2 Preview. Azure Media Services Video Indexer replaces these legacy media processors.

For the retirement dates, see this legacy components topic.

Also see Migrate from Azure Media Indexer and Azure Media Indexer 2 to Azure Media Services Video Indexer.

August 2019

Deprecation of media processors

We are announcing deprecation of the Windows Azure Media Encoder (WAME) and Azure Media Encoder (AME) media processors. For the retirement dates, see this legacy components topic.

For details, see Migrate WAME to Media Encoder Standard and Migrate AME to Media Encoder Standard.

March 2019

The Media Hyperlapse Preview feature of Azure Media Services was deprecated.

December 2018

The Media Hyperlapse Preview feature of Azure Media Services will soon be retired. Starting December 19, 2018, Media Services will no longer make changes or improvements to Media Hyperlapse. On March 29, 2019, it will be retired and no longer available.

October 2018

CMAF support

CMAF and 'cbcs' encryption support for Apple HLS (iOS 11+) and MPEG-DASH players that support CMAF.

Web VTT thumbnail sprites

You can now use Media Services to generate Web VTT thumbnail sprites using our v2 APIs. For more information, see Generate a thumbnail sprite.

July 2018

With the latest service release, there are minor formatting changes to the error messages returned by the service when a Job fails, with respect to how it is broken up into two or more lines.

May 2018

Starting May 12, 2018, live channels will no longer support the RTP/MPEG-2 transport stream ingest protocol. Please migrate from RTP/MPEG-2 to RTMP or fragmented MP4 (Smooth Streaming) ingest protocols.

October 2017 release


Media Services is deprecating support for Azure Access Control Service authentication keys. On June 22, 2018, you can no longer authenticate with the Media Services back end via code by using Access Control Service keys. You must update your code to use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) per Azure AD-based authentication. Watch for warnings about this change in the Azure portal.

Updates for October 2017


  • The .NET SDK was updated to support Azure AD authentication. Support for Access Control Service authentication was removed from the latest .NET SDK on to encourage faster migration to Azure AD.
  • The JAVA SDK was updated to support Azure AD authentication. Support for Azure AD authentication was added to the Java SDK. For information on how to use the Java SDK with Media Services, see Get started with the Java client SDK for Azure Media Services

File-based encoding

  • You now can use the Premium Encoder to encode your content to the H.265 high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) video codec. There is no pricing impact if you choose H.265 over other codecs, such as H.264. For information about HEVC patent licenses, see Online Services Terms.

  • For source video that is encoded with the H.265 (HEVC) video codec, such as video captured by using iOS11 or GoPro Hero 6, you now can use either the Premium Encoder or the Standard Encoder to encode those videos. For information about patent licenses, see Online Services Terms.

  • For content that contains multiple language audio tracks, the language values must be correctly labeled according to the corresponding file format specification (for example, ISO MP4). Then you can use the Standard Encoder to encode the content for streaming. The resultant streaming locator lists the available audio languages.

  • The Standard Encoder now supports two new audio-only system presets, "AAC Audio" and "AAC Good Quality Audio." Both produce stereo advanced audio coding (AAC) output, at bit rates of 128 Kbps and 192 Kbps, respectively.

  • The Premium Encoder now supports QuickTime/MOV file formats as input. The video codec must be one of the Apple ProRes types listed in this GitHub article. The audio must be either AAC or pulse code modulation (PCM). The Premium Encoder doesn't support, for example, DVC/DVCPro video wrapped in QuickTime/MOV files as input. The Standard Encoder does support these video codecs.

  • The following bug fixes were made in encoders:

    • You can now submit jobs by using an input asset. After these jobs finish, you can modify the asset (for example, add, delete, or rename files within the asset), and submit additional jobs.
    • The quality of JPEG thumbnails produced by the Standard Encoder is improved.
    • The Standard Encoder handles input metadata and thumbnail generation better in very short duration videos.
    • Improvements to the H.264 decoder used in the Standard Encoder eliminate certain rare artifacts.

Media Analytics

General availability of the Azure Media Redactor: This media processor performs anonymization by blurring the faces of selected individuals and is ideal for use in public safety and news media scenarios.

For an overview on this new processor, see this blog post. For information on documentation and settings, see Redact faces with Azure Media Analytics.

June 2017 release

Media Services now supports Azure AD-based authentication.


Currently, Media Services supports the Access Control Service authentication model. Access Control Service authorization will be deprecated on June 1, 2018. We recommend that you migrate to the Azure AD authentication model as soon as possible.

March 2017 release

You can now use the Standard Encoder to auto-generate a bitrate ladder by specifying the "Adaptive Streaming" preset string when you create an encoding task. To encode a video for streaming with Media Services, use the "Adaptive Streaming" preset. To customize an encoding preset for your specific scenario, you can begin with these presets.

You can now use Media Encoder Standard or Media Encoder Premium Workflow to create an encoding task that generates fMP4 chunks.

February 2017 release

Starting April 1, 2017, any job record in your account older than 90 days is automatically deleted, along with its associated task records. Deletion occurs even if the total number of records is below the maximum quota. To archive the job/task information, you can use the code described in Manage assets and related entities with the Media Services .NET SDK.

January 2017 release

In Media Services, a streaming endpoint represents a streaming service that can deliver content directly to a client player application or to a content delivery network (CDN) for further distribution. Media Services also provides seamless Azure Content Delivery Network integration. The outbound stream from a StreamingEndpoint service can be a live stream, a video on demand, or a progressive download of your asset in your Media Services account. Each Media Services account includes a default streaming endpoint. Additional streaming endpoints can be created under the account.

There are two versions of streaming endpoints, 1.0 and 2.0. Starting January 10, 2017, any newly created Media Services accounts include the version 2.0 default streaming endpoint. Additional streaming endpoints that you add to this account are also version 2.0. This change doesn't affect existing accounts. Existing streaming endpoints are version 1.0 and can be upgraded to version 2.0. There are behavior, billing, and feature changes with this change. For more information, see Streaming endpoints overview.

Starting with the 2.15 version, Media Services added the following properties to the streaming endpoint entity:

  • CdnProvider
  • CdnProfile
  • FreeTrialEndTime
  • StreamingEndpointVersion

For more information on these properties, see StreamingEndpoint.

December 2016 release

You now can use Media Services to access telemetry/metrics data for its services. You can use the current version of Media Services to collect telemetry data for live channel, streaming endpoint, and archive entities. For more information, see Media Services telemetry.

July 2016 release

Updates to the manifest file (*.ISM) generated by encoding tasks

When an encoding task is submitted to Media Encoder Standard or Media Encoder Premium, the encoding task generates a streaming manifest file (*.ism) in the output asset. With the latest service release, the syntax of this streaming manifest file was updated.


The syntax of the streaming manifest (.ism) file is reserved for internal use. It's subject to change in future releases. Do not modify or manipulate the contents of this file.

A new client manifest (*.ISMC) file is generated in the output asset when an encoding task outputs one or more MP4 files

Starting with the latest service release, after the completion of an encoding task that generates one or more MP4 files, the output asset also contains a streaming client manifest (*.ismc) file. The .ismc file helps improve the performance of dynamic streaming.


The syntax of the client manifest (.ismc) file is reserved for internal use. It's subject to change in future releases. Do not modify or manipulate the contents of this file.

For more information, see this blog.

Known issues

Some clients can come across a repeat tag issue in the Smooth Streaming manifest. For more information, see this section.

April 2016 release

Media Analytics

Media Services introduced Media Analytics for powerful video intelligence. For more information, see Media Services Analytics overview.

Apple FairPlay (preview)

You now can use Media Services to dynamically encrypt your HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) content with Apple FairPlay. You also can use the Media Services license delivery service to deliver FairPlay licenses to clients. For more information, see "Use Azure Media Services to stream your HLS content protected with Apple FairPlay."

February 2016 release

The latest version of the Media Services SDK for .NET (3.5.3) contains a Google Widevine-related bug fix. It was impossible to reuse AssetDeliveryPolicy for multiple assets encrypted with Widevine. As part of this bug fix, the following property was added to the SDK: WidevineBaseLicenseAcquisitionUrl.

Dictionary<AssetDeliveryPolicyConfigurationKey, string> assetDeliveryPolicyConfiguration =
    new Dictionary<AssetDeliveryPolicyConfigurationKey, string>


January 2016 release

Encoding reserved units were renamed to reduce confusion with encoder names.

The Basic, Standard, and Premium encoding reserved units were renamed to S1, S2, and S3 reserved units, respectively. Customers who use Basic encoding reserved units today see S1 as the label in the Azure portal (and in the bill). Customers who use Standard and Premium see the labels S2 and S3, respectively.

December 2015 release

Media Encoder deprecation announcement

Media Encoder will be deprecated starting in approximately 12 months from the release of Media Encoder Standard.

Azure SDK for PHP

The Azure SDK team published a new release of the Azure SDK for PHP package that contains updates and new features for Media Services. In particular, the Media Services SDK for PHP now supports the latest content protection features. These features are dynamic encryption with AES and DRM (PlayReady and Widevine) with and without token restrictions. It also supports scaling encoding units.

For more information, see:

November 2015 release

Media Services now offers the Widevine license delivery service in the cloud. For more information, see this blog. Also, see this tutorial.

Widevine license delivery services provided by Media Services are in preview. For more information, see this blog.

October 2015 release

Media Services is now live in the following data centers: Brazil South, India West, India South, and India Central. You can now use the Azure portal to create Media Service accounts and perform various tasks described in the Media Services documentation webpage. Live Encoding isn't enabled in these data centers. Further, not all types of encoding reserved units are available in these data centers.

  • Brazil South: Only Standard and Basic encoding reserved units are available.
  • India West, India South, and India Central: Only Basic encoding reserved units are available.

September 2015 release

Media Services now offers the ability to protect both video on demand and live streams with Widevine modular DRM technology. You can use the following delivery services partners to help you deliver Widevine licenses:

For more information, see this blog.

You can use the Media Services .NET SDK (starting with version 3.5.1) or the REST API to configure AssetDeliveryConfiguration to use Widevine.

  • Media Services added support for Apple ProRes videos. You can now upload your QuickTime source videos files that use Apple ProRes or other codecs. For more information, see this blog.

  • You can now use Media Encoder Standard to do subclipping and live archive extraction. For more information, see this blog.

  • The following filtering updates were made:

    • You can now use the Apple HLS format with an audio-only filter. You can use this update to remove an audio-only track by specifying (audio-only=false) in the URL.

    • When you define filters for your assets, you now can combine multiple (up to three) filters in a single URL.

      For more information, see this blog.

  • Media Services now supports I-frames in HLS version 4. I-frame support optimizes fast-forward and rewind operations. By default, all HLS version 4 outputs include the I-frame playlist (EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF). For more information, see this blog.

August 2015 release

  • The Media Services SDK for the Java version 0.8.0 release and new samples are now available. For more information, see:

  • The Azure Media Player was updated with multi-audio stream support. For more information, see this blog post.

July 2015 release

  • The general availability of Media Encoder Standard was announced. For more information, see this blog post.

    Media Encoder Standard uses presets, as described in this section. When you use a preset for 4K encodes, get the Premium reserved unit type. For more information, see Scale encoding.

  • Live real-time captions were used with Media Services and the Media Player. For more information, see this blog post.

Media Services .NET SDK updates

The Media Services .NET SDK is now version The following updates were made:

  • Support was implemented for live archive. You can't download an asset that contains a live archive.
  • Support was implemented for dynamic filters.
  • Functionality was implemented so that users can keep a storage container while they delete an asset.
  • Bug fixes were made related to retry policies in channels.
  • Media Encoder Premium Workflow was enabled.

June 2015 release

Media Services .NET SDK updates

The Media Services .NET SDK is now version The following updates were made:

  • Support was added for the OpenId Connect discovery spec.
  • Support was added for handling keys rollover on the identity provider side.

If you use an identity provider that exposes an OpenID Connect discovery document (as Azure AD, Google, and Salesforce do), you can instruct Media Services to obtain signing keys for validation of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) from the OpenID Connect discovery spec.

For more information, see Use JSON web keys from the OpenID Connect discovery spec to work with JWT authentication in Media Services.

May 2015 release

The following new features were announced:

April 2015 release

General Media Services updates

  • Media Player was announced.
  • Azure Media Indexer was updated.
  • Support for Spanish language was added.
  • A new configuration for the XML format was added.

For more information, see this blog.

Media Services .NET SDK updates

The Media Services .NET SDK is now version The following updates were made:

  • Breaking change: TokenRestrictionTemplate.Issuer and TokenRestrictionTemplate.Audience were changed to be of a string type.
  • Updates were made related to creating custom retry policies.
  • Bug fixes were made related to uploading and downloading files.
  • The MediaServicesCredentials class now accepts primary and secondary access control endpoints to authenticate against.

March 2015 release

General Media Services updates

  • Media Services now provides Content Delivery Network integration. To support the integration, the CdnEnabled property was added to StreamingEndpoint. CdnEnabled can be used with REST APIs starting with version 2.9. For more information, see StreamingEndpoint. CdnEnabled can be used with the .NET SDK starting with version For more information, see StreamingEndpoint.
  • The Media Encoder Premium Workflow was announced. For more information, see Introducing Premium encoding in Azure Media Services.

February 2015 release

General Media Services updates

The Media Services REST API is now version 2.9. Starting with this version, you can enable the Content Delivery Network integration with streaming endpoints. For more information, see StreamingEndpoint.

January 2015 release

General Media Services updates

The general availability of content protection with dynamic encryption was announced. For more information, see Media Services enhances streaming security with general availability of DRM technology.

Media Services .NET SDK updates

The Media Services .NET SDK is now version

This release marked the default Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.ContentKeyAuthorization.TokenRestrictionTemplate constructor as obsolete. The new constructor takes TokenType as an argument.

TokenRestrictionTemplate template = new TokenRestrictionTemplate(TokenType.SWT);

December 2014 release

General Media Services updates

  • Some updates and new features were added to the Media Indexer. For more information, see Azure Media Indexer version release notes.
  • A new REST API was added that you can use to update encoding reserved units. For more information, see EncodingReservedUnitType with REST.
  • CORS support was added for the key delivery service.
  • Performance improvements were made to querying authorization policy options.
  • In the China data center, the key delivery URL is now per customer (just like in other data centers).
  • HLS auto target duration was added. When doing live streaming, HLS is always packaged dynamically. By default, Media Services automatically calculates the HLS segment packaging ratio (FragmentsPerSegment) based on the keyframe interval (KeyFrameInterval). This method is also referred to as a group of pictures (GOP) that is received from the live encoder. For more information, see Work with Media Services live streaming.

Media Services .NET SDK updates

The Media Services .NET SDK is now version The following updates were made:

November 2014 release

  • You now can use Media Services to ingest live Smooth Streaming (fMP4) content over a TLS connection. To ingest over TLS, make sure to update the ingest URL to HTTPS. Currently, Media Services doesn't support TLS with custom domains. For more information about live streaming, see Work with Azure Media Services Live Streaming.
  • Currently, you can't ingest an RTMP live stream over a TLS connection.
  • You can stream over TLS only if the streaming endpoint from which you deliver your content was created after September 10, 2014. If your streaming URLs are based on the streaming endpoints created after September 10, 2014, the URL contains "" (the new format). Streaming URLs that contain "" (the old format) don't support TLS. If your URL is in the old format and you want to stream over TLS, create a new streaming endpoint. To stream your content over TLS, use URLs based on the new streaming endpoint.

Media Services .NET SDK

The Media Services SDK for .NET extensions is now version

The Media Services SDK for .NET is now version The following updates were made:

  • Refactoring was implemented in retry policy classes.
  • A user agent string was added to HTTP request headers.
  • A NuGet restore build step was added.
  • Scenario tests were fixed to use x509 cert from repository.
  • Validation settings were added for when the channel and streaming end update.

New GitHub repository to host Media Services samples

Samples are in the Media Services samples GitHub repository.

September 2014 release

The Media Services REST metadata is now version 2.7. For more information about the latest REST updates, see the Media Services REST API reference.

The Media Services SDK for .NET is now version

Breaking changes

  • Origin was renamed to [StreamingEndpoint].
  • A change was made in the default behavior when you use the Azure portal to encode and then publish MP4 files.

New features/scenarios that are part of the general availability release

  • The Media Indexer media processor was introduced. For more information, see Index media files with the Media Indexer.

  • You can use the [StreamingEndpoint] entity to add custom domain (host) names.

    To use a custom domain name as the Media Services streaming endpoint name, add custom host names to your streaming endpoint. Use the Media Services REST APIs or the .NET SDK to add custom host names.

    The following considerations apply:

    • You must have the ownership of the custom domain name.

    • The ownership of the domain name must be validated by Media Services. To validate the domain, create a CName that maps the MediaServicesAccountId parent domain to verify DNS mediaservices-dns-zone.

    • You must create another CName that maps the custom host name (for example, to your Media Services StreamingEndpoint host name (for example,

      For more information, see the CustomHostNames property in the StreamingEndpoint article.

New features/scenarios that are part of the public preview release

August 2014 release

When you encode an asset, an output asset is produced when the encoding job is finished. Until this release, the Media Services Encoder produced metadata about output assets. Starting with this release, the encoder also produces metadata about input assets. For more information, see [Input metadata] and [Output metadata].

July 2014 release

The following bug fixes were made for the Azure Media Services Packager and Encryptor:

  • When a live archive asset is transmitted to HLS, only audio plays back: This issue was fixed, and now both audio and video can play.
  • When an asset is packaged to HLS and AES 128-bit envelope encryption, the packaged streams don't play back on Android devices: This bug was fixed, and the packaged stream plays back on Android devices that support HLS.

May 2014 release

General Media Services updates

You can now use [dynamic packaging] to stream HLS version 3. To stream HLS version 3, add the following format to the origin locator path: * .ism/manifest(format=m3u8-aapl-v3). For more information, see this forum.

Dynamic packaging now also supports delivering HLS (version 3 and version 4) encrypted with PlayReady based on Smooth Streaming statically encrypted with PlayReady. For information on how to encrypt Smooth Streaming with PlayReady, see Protect Smooth Streaming with PlayReady.

Media Services .NET SDK updates

The Media Services .NET SDK is now version The following updates were made:

  • Speed and resilience are better when you upload and download media assets.

  • Improvements were made in retry logic and transient exception handling:

    • Transient error detection and retry logic were improved for exceptions that are caused when you query, save changes, and upload or download files.
    • When you get web exceptions (for example, during an Access Control Service token request), fatal errors fail faster now.

For more information, see [Retry logic in the Media Services SDK for .NET].

January/February 2014 releases

Media Services .NET SDK, and

The changes in and include:

  • Issues related to the usage of LINQ queries with OrderBy statements were fixed.
  • Test solutions in [GitHub] were split into unit-based tests and scenario-based tests.

For more information about the changes, see the Media Services .NET SDK and releases.

The following changes were made in version

  • Azure storage dependencies were upgraded to use version
  • A backward-compatibility issue was fixed for 3.0.. releases.

December 2013 release

Media Services .NET SDK


The 3.0.x.x releases are not backward compatible with 2.4.x.x releases.

The latest version of the Media Services SDK is now You can download the latest package from NuGet or get the bits from [GitHub].

Starting with the Media Services SDK version, you can reuse the Azure AD Access Control Service tokens. For more information, see the section "Reuse Access Control Service tokens" in Connect to Media Services with the Media Services SDK for .NET.

Media Services .NET SDK extensions

The Media Services .NET SDK extensions are a set of extension methods and helper functions that simplify your code and make it easier to develop with Media Services. You can get the latest bits from Media Services .NET SDK extensions.

November 2013 release

Media Services .NET SDK changes

Starting with this version, the Media Services SDK for .NET handles transient fault errors that might occur when calls are made to the Media Services REST API layer.

August 2013 release

Media Services PowerShell cmdlets included in Azure SDK tools

The following Media Services PowerShell cmdlets are now included in Azure SDK tools:

  • Get-AzureMediaServices

    For example: Get-AzureMediaServicesAccount

  • New-AzureMediaServicesAccount

    For example: New-AzureMediaServicesAccount -Name "MediaAccountName" -Location "Region" -StorageAccountName "StorageAccountName"

  • New-AzureMediaServicesKey

    For example: New-AzureMediaServicesKey -Name "MediaAccountName" -KeyType Secondary -Force

  • Remove-AzureMediaServicesAccount

    For example: Remove-AzureMediaServicesAccount -Name "MediaAccountName" -Force

June 2013 release

Media Services changes

The following changes mentioned in this section are updates included in the June 2013 Media Services releases:

  • Ability to link multiple storage accounts to a Media Service account.
    • StorageAccount
    • Asset.StorageAccountName and Asset.StorageAccount
  • Ability to update Job.Priority.
  • Notification-related entities and properties:
    • JobNotificationSubscription
    • NotificationEndPoint
    • Job
  • Asset.Uri
  • Locator.Name

Media Services .NET SDK changes

The following changes are included in the June 2013 Media Services SDK releases. The latest Media Services SDK is available on GitHub.

  • Starting with version, the Media Services SDK supports linking multiple storage accounts to a Media Services account. The following APIs support this feature:

  • Notification-related APIs. Starting with version, you can listen to Azure Queue storage notifications. For more information, see Handle Media Services job notifications.

    • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.IJob.JobNotificationSubscriptions property
    • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.INotificationEndPoint type
    • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.IJobNotificationSubscription type
    • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.NotificationEndPointCollection type
    • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.NotificationEndPointType type
  • Dependency on the Storage client SDK 2.0 (Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.dll)

  • Dependency on OData 5.5 (Microsoft.Data.OData.dll)

December 2012 release

Media Services .NET SDK changes

  • IntelliSense: Missing IntelliSense documentation was added for many types.
  • Microsoft.Practices.TransientFaultHandling.Core: An issue was fixed where the SDK still had a dependency to an old version of this assembly. The SDK now references version 5.1.1209.1 of this assembly.

Fixes for issues found in the November 2012 SDK:

  • IAsset.Locators.Count: This count is now correctly reported on new IAsset interfaces after all locators are deleted.
  • IAssetFile.ContentFileSize: This value is now properly set after an upload by IAssetFile.Upload(filepath).
  • IAssetFile.ContentFileSize: This property can now be set when you create an asset file. It was previously read only.
  • IAssetFile.Upload(filepath): An issue was fixed where this synchronous upload method was throwing the following error when multiple files were uploaded to the asset. The error was "Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature."
  • IAssetFile.UploadAsync: An issue was fixed that limited the simultaneous upload of files to five files.
  • IAssetFile.UploadProgressChanged: This event is now provided by the SDK.
  • IAssetFile.DownloadAsync(string, BlobTransferClient, ILocator, CancellationToken): This method overload is now provided.
  • IAssetFile.DownloadAsync: An issue was fixed that limited the simultaneous download of files to five files.
  • IAssetFile.Delete(): An issue was fixed where calling delete might throw an exception if no file was uploaded for the IAssetFile.
  • Jobs: An issue was fixed where chaining an "MP4 to Smooth Streams task" with a "PlayReady Protection Task" by using a job template didn't create any tasks at all.
  • EncryptionUtils.GetCertificateFromStore(): This method no longer throws a null reference exception due to a failure in finding the certificate based on certificate configuration issues.

November 2012 release

The changes mentioned in this section were updates included in the November 2012 (version SDK. These changes might require any code written for the June 2012 preview SDK release to be modified or rewritten.

  • Assets

    • IAsset.Create(assetName) is the only asset creation function. IAsset.Create no longer uploads files as part of the method call. Use IAssetFile for uploading.
    • The IAsset.Publish method and the AssetState.Publish enumeration value were removed from the Services SDK. Any code that relies on this value must be rewritten.
  • FileInfo

    • This class was removed and replaced by IAssetFile.
  • IAssetFiles

    • IAssetFile replaces FileInfo and has a different behavior. To use it, instantiate the IAssetFiles object, followed by a file upload either by using the Media Services SDK or the Storage SDK. The following IAssetFile.Upload overloads can be used:

      • IAssetFile.Upload(filePath): This synchronous method blocks the thread, and we recommend it only when you upload a single file.

      • IAssetFile.UploadAsync(filePath, blobTransferClient, locator, cancellationToken): This asynchronous method is the preferred upload mechanism.

        Known bug: If you use the cancellation token, the upload is canceled. The tasks can have many cancellation states. You must properly catch and handle exceptions.

  • Locators

    • The origin-specific versions were removed. The SAS-specific context.Locators.CreateSasLocator (asset, accessPolicy) will be marked deprecated or removed by general availability. See the "Locators" section under "New functionality" for updated behavior.

June 2012 preview release

The following functionality was new in the November release of the SDK:

  • Deleting entities

    • IAsset, IAssetFile, ILocator, IAccessPolicy, and IContentKey objects are now deleted at the object level, that is, IObject.Delete(), instead of requiring a delete in the Collection, that is, cloudMediaContext.ObjCollection.Delete(objInstance).
  • Locators

    • Locators now must be created by using the CreateLocator method. They must use the LocatorType.SAS or LocatorType.OnDemandOrigin enum values as an argument for the specific type of locator you want to create.
    • New properties were added to locators to make it easier to obtain usable URIs for your content. This redesign of locators provides more flexibility for future third-party extensibility and increases the ease of use for media client applications.
  • Asynchronous method support

    • Asynchronous support was added to all methods.

Additional notes

  • Widevine is a service provided by Google Inc. and subject to the terms of service and Privacy Policy of Google, Inc.