rxSerializeModel: RevoScaleR Model Serialization and Unserialization
Serialize a RevoScaleR/MicrosoftML model in raw format to enable saving the model. This allows model to be loaded into SQL Server for real-time scoring.
rxSerializeModel(model, metadata = NULL, realtimeScoringOnly = FALSE, ...)
rxUnserializeModel(serializedModel, ...)
model to be serialized
Arbitrary metadata of raw
type to be stored with the serialized model. Metadata will be returned when unserialized.
Drops fields not required for real-time scoring. NOTE: Setting this flag could reduce the model size but rxUnserializeModel
can no longer retrieve the RevoScaleR model
Serialized model to be unserialized
converts models into raw
bytes to allow them to be saved and used for real-time scoring.
The following is the list of models that are currently supported in real-time scoring:
* RevoScaleR
* rxLogit
* rxLinMod
* rxBTrees
* rxDTree
* rxDForest
* MicrosoftML
* rxFastTrees
* rxFastForest
* rxLogisticRegression
* rxOneClassSvm
* rxNeuralNet
* rxFastLinear
RevoScaleR models containing R transformations or transform based formula (e.g "A ~ log(B)"
) are not supported in real-time scoring. Such transforms to input data may need to be handled before calling real-time scoring.
method is used to retrieve the original R model object and metadata from the serialized raw model.
returns a serialized model.
returns original R model object. If metadata is also present returns a list containing the original model object and metadata.
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
myIris <- iris
form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species
irisLinMod <- rxLinMod(form, data = myIris)
# Serialize model for scoring
serializedModel <- rxSerializeModel(irisLinMod)
# Save model to file or SQL Server (use rxWriteObject)
# serialized model can now be used for real-time scoring
unserializedModel <- rxUnserializeModel(serializedModel)