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EntitySimulationModifiers Enumeration

Microsoft Robotics Class Reference

Entity simulation behaviors

Namespace: Microsoft.Robotics.Simulation.Physics
Assembly: SimulationCommon (in SimulationCommon.dll) Version: (


public enum EntitySimulationModifiers


Member name Value Description
Dynamic 0 Default behavior, physics fully models the entity and the entity interacts with the environment
Kinematic 1 Entity is modelled as an object of infinite mass, not subject to simulated effects, that can not be affected by other objects. It must be moved explicitly.
IgnoreGravity 2 Entity is impervious to gravity
DisableRotationX 4 Entity can not rotate around its X axis
DisableRotationY 8 Entity can not rotate around its Y axis
DisableRotationZ 16 Entity can not rotate around its Z axis
DisableCollisions 32 Entity does not collide with other entities
LockCenterOfMass 64 Disable altering center of mass when computing inertia tensor. Locks center of mass to what it was initially specified to be.


Use these modifiers override physics simulation of an entity

See Also

Microsoft.Robotics.Simulation.Physics Namespace