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DispatcherQueue Members

Microsoft Robotics Class Reference

The DispatcherQueue type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method DispatcherQueue() () () ()
Default constructor
Public method DispatcherQueue(String)
Constructs an instance of the dispatcher port using the CLR thread pool for task execution
Public method DispatcherQueue(String, Dispatcher)
Constructs an instance of the dispatcher port using the specified CCR dispatcher
Public method DispatcherQueue(String, Dispatcher, TaskExecutionPolicy, Double)
Constructs an instance of the dispatcher port using the specified CCR dispatcher
Public method DispatcherQueue(String, Dispatcher, TaskExecutionPolicy, Int32)
Constructs an instance of the dispatcher port using the specified CCR dispatcher


  Name Description
Public method Dispose() () () ()
Dispose releases resources associated with this instance
Protected method Dispose(Boolean)
Implementation of dispose
Public method Enqueue
Enqueue ITask instance
Public method EnqueueTimer
Enqueues a timer registration that will post a DateTime item on the timerPort
Protected method EnqueueTimerUsingClrSystemTimers
Enqueues a timer registration that will post a DateTime item on the timerPort
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Resume
Resumes execution of tasks, including any tasks queued while in paused state
Protected method SignalDispatcher
Signals the Dispatcher instance associated with this queue, so an available thread executes the recently queued task
Public method Suspend
Suspend scheduling of tasks. Tasks can still be queued
Public method ToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method TryDequeue
Atomically removes an ITask instance if the port is non empty

Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method Activate< (Of < <' (T> ) > > )
Submits CCR tasks to the dispatcher port for execution. If the task was a receiver orchestration like join or choice, executing it means registering constraints on ports to guard the execution of user code
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method EmptyHandler< (Of < <' (T> ) > > )
An empty handler implementation that can be used in a receiver to handle a message without side effects
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Spawn(Handler) Overloaded.
Invoke a message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Spawn< (Of < <' (T0> ) > > )(T0, Handler< (Of < <' (T0> ) > > )) Overloaded.
Invoke a message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Spawn< (Of < <' (T0, T1> ) > > )(T0, T1, Handler< (Of < <' (T0, T1> ) > > )) Overloaded.
Invoke a message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Spawn< (Of < <' (T0, T1, T2> ) > > )(T0, T1, T2, Handler< (Of < <' (T0, T1, T2> ) > > )) Overloaded.
Invoke a message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method SpawnIterator(IteratorHandler) Overloaded.
Invoke an iterator-based message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method SpawnIterator< (Of < <' (T0> ) > > )(T0, IteratorHandler< (Of < <' (T0> ) > > )) Overloaded.
Invoke an iterator-based message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method SpawnIterator< (Of < <' (T0, T1> ) > > )(T0, T1, IteratorHandler< (Of < <' (T0, T1> ) > > )) Overloaded.
Invoke an iterator-based message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method SpawnIterator< (Of < <' (T0, T1, T2> ) > > )(T0, T1, T2, IteratorHandler< (Of < <' (T0, T1, T2> ) > > )) Overloaded.
Invoke an iterator-based message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method TimeoutPort(Int32) Overloaded.
Creates a port to receive a time signal, registers a timeout with the sequencer, supplying the private port.
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)
Public Extension Method TimeoutPort(TimeSpan) Overloaded.
Creates a port to receive a time signal, registers a timeout with the sequencer, supplying the private port.
(Defined by DispatcherQueueExtensions.)


  Name Description
Public property Count
Number of ITask instances currently queued.


The returned value is an estimate and not guaranteed to be accurate.
Public property CurrentSchedulingRate
Current rate of tasks being scheduled in tasks/second
Public property Dispatcher
Parent dispatcher managing OS threads that execute tasks queued through this instance
Public property ExecutionPolicyNotificationPort
Signals execution policy events such as queue limits being exceeded.
Public property IsDisposed
True if Disposed method has been called (dispose might still be in progress)
Public property IsSuspended
True if task scheduling is suspended
Public property IsUsingThreadPool
Indicates if the CLR thread pool is used for task execution, instead of a CCR Dispatcher
Public property MaximumQueueDepth
Maximum depth of queued tasks
Public property MaximumSchedulingRate
Upper bound on scheduling rate that determines throttling
Public property Name
Friendly name for consumer of this dispatcher port
Public property Policy
Execution policy
Public property ScheduledTaskCount
Number of tasks scheduled so far
Public property ThrottlingSleepInterval
Duration of thread sleep when throttling is enforced during an Enqueue operation
Public property Timescale
Factor multiplied with TimeSpan values to compute absolute time duration for all EnqueueTimer calls
Public property UnhandledExceptionPort
Gets or sets a port that any unhandled exceptions occuring in tasks running in this DispatcherQueue will be sent to.


  Name Description
Public event UnhandledException
This event is raised when an unhandled exception occurs in tasks running in this DispatcherQueue

See Also

DispatcherQueue Class

Microsoft.Ccr.Core Namespace