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DifferentialDriveEntity Properties

Microsoft Robotics Class Reference

The DifferentialDriveEntity type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CasterWheelShape
Caster wheel physics shape
Public property ChassisShape
Chassis physics shapes
Public property ChildCount
Number of children, used in serialization and deserialization of VisualEntities
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property EmbeddedResourceAssemblies
List of assemblies contain embedded resources this entity needs to be properly loaded
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property Flags
Flags which define the rendering and behavior of this entity.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property IsEnabled
True if drive mechanism is enabled
Public property LeftWheel
Left wheel child entity
Public property MeshRotation
Gets or sets the rotation of the entity meshes
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property MeshScale
Gets or sets the scale of the entity meshes
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property MeshTranslation
Gets or sets the translation of the entity meshes
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property MotorTorqueScaling
Scaling factor to apply to motor torque requests
Public property ParentJoint
Gets the joint that connects this entity to its parent. Null if either this or parent do not have physics entity.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property ReferenceFrame
Specifies the meaning of the entity's position This is used for serialization and to help with joining child entities. It is not meant to be changed outside of the simulation engine.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property RightWheel
Right wheel child entity
Public property RotateDegreesAngleThreshold
Threshold, in radians, for stopping rotation
Public property ServiceContract
The contract for a service associated with this entity.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property State
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public property TimeoutSeconds
The timeout for DriveDistance and RotateDegrees commands in seconds.

See Also

DifferentialDriveEntity Class

Microsoft.Robotics.Simulation.Engine.Proxy Namespace