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Applies To: Forefront Identity Manager 2010

This is an example of a Windows PowerShell function that queries the Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) Service database for all Request resources that were created by the 'Elevated Access Security Group' that are completed and involved modifying resources. For more information, see FIM Windows PowerShell Cmdlet Examples.

AllRequestsToElevatedSecurityGroup Function

This function uses the QueryResource function to query the FIM Service database for all Request resources that were created by the 'Elevated Access Security Group' that are completed and involved modifying resources.

function AllRequestsToElevatedSecurityGroup
        $resources = QueryResource -Filter "/Request[Creator=/Group[DisplayName='Elevated Access Security Group']/ComputedMember and Operation='Put' ' and Status='Completed']"

The Filter operator that is passed to the QueryResource function is an XPath filter. For example XPath filters, see XPath Filter Dialect Examples.

See Also




FIM Windows PowerShell Cmdlet Examples

Other Resources

XPath Filter Dialect Examples