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Create a rescan file

This article describes how to create a rescan file in Movere.

Rescan files are used to target specific Windows and Linux devices. They help you:

  • Target scanning a specific part of your environment. For example, to scan a subset of Windows servers.
  • Target devices that have already been scanned, to update inventory data, or to capture environment changes.
  • Target a large subset of devices, without manually entering each device in the Movere Console.

Note that:

  • You can only use one rescan file at a time. Movere doesn't support running a single rescan with multiple files.
  • You can't use the same rescan file for both Windows and Linux devices. You create a separate file for each type, and run each rescan separately.

Before you start

Select the method you want to use for the rescan.

  • Download a rescan file from the Movere portal: Download a rescan file from the Movere portal, based on criteria you specify in the portal.
  • Select what to rescan in the Movere Console: In the Console, you can specify the type of Windows or Linux devices you want to rescan. The Console downloads a rescan file based on your selections.
  • Manually create a rescan file: Manually create a rescan file to target a custom list of devices.

Download from the portal

  1. Sign in to the Movere portal, and open the customer tenant.

  2. Navigate to the device list and use the desired combination of filters to achieve the desired rescan device list.

  3. Under the downloads icon, click the rescan icon.

    Click the rescan icon

  4. The rescan file automatically downloads. When you run a rescan, you can browse to the downloaded file.

Download from the Console

  1. In the Movere Console, select the Rescan option.

  2. Select a rescan option:

    • Windows (All): Target active Windows servers and workstations that haven't been previously inventoried, or that haven't been inventoried within the last 31 days.
    • Windows Servers: Target devices with a Windows Server operating system (identified by Active Directory), that haven't been previously inventoried, or that haven't been inventoried within the last 31 days. If you select Windows Server, you can optionally enable Windows ARC, to turn on actual resource consumption scanning for the server devices.
    • Windows Workstations: Target devices with a Windows Client operating system (identified by Active Directory) that haven't been previously inventoried, or that haven't been inventoried within the last 31 days.
    • Linux (All): Target all devices with the string Linux in the Operating System field in Active Directory.
    • Browse for rescan file: Target only devices listed in a custom rescan file.
  3. If you select devices, the Movere Console downloads a rescan file from Movere portal, based on your rescan selections. A valid token.txt file is needed to download a rescan file. The downloaded rescan file is automatically saved in the Console/DevicesToRescan folder.


    Changing the rescan option in the Console, after a rescan file is downloaded or imported, overrides the existing rescan file. A warning message appears.

Manually create a rescan file

  1. In a text editor, create a custom rescan file, as follows:
    • The file must have two columns:
      • devicename: The device name contains the long name, short name, or IP address that Movere uses to target the device. For example:
        • longname (FQDN):
        • shortname: server1
        • IP address:
      • domain: The domain column contains the domain in which target devices reside. The domain entry must match the domains listed in the Movere Console.
        • Movere compares the values in the Domain column with the domains listed in the Movere Console, and uses the credentials mapped to any domain that's listed in both the rescan file and the Console.
        • The domain name must be specified even if targeting non-domain joined devices. Learn More about scanning non-domain joined devices.
    • The file must contain a single carriage return at the end of the list of devices. The rescan won't start if the file doesn't contains exactly one carriage return.
    • Rescan files can only target Windows or Linux. If both are listed, Movere targets all devices with either a Windows or Linux scan, depending on the scan type specified n the command line.
  2. Save the rescan file in (.csv) format in the Console/DevicesToRescan folder.

Next steps

Learn about scanning in Movere.