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Overview of Build Reports

Detailed build information is generated for each completed build and also for builds that are in progress. The build report is viewed by double-clicking the build in Team Build Browser. For more information, see Understanding the Team Foundation Build Browser and How to: View Build Summary Status.

The build report is categorized by sections reflected by the following tables, these categories include the following:

  • Summary

  • Build Steps

  • Result details

  • Associated changesets

  • Associated work items


The following table displays the information in the Summary category in a build report.

Item Description

Build name

Indicates the name of the build and is based on the build type, a date stamp and sequential number, for example MyBuildType_060616.01. The build name provides a link to the drop location that contains the built binaries.

Requested by

Name of the user who requests the build be produced.

Team project

Indicates the team project that has been built.


Build type that was used to generate this build.

Build machine

Indicates the computer where the build will run.

Started on

Date and time stamp that indicates when the build was started.

Completed on

Date and time stamp that indicates when the build completed.


Indicates the current build's quality state. This information is read-only.

Work items opened

Indicates the work items that were opened because of the compilation and static analysis errors that occurred in the build.


Link to network share where the build log is located.

Build Steps

The following table explains the build steps category of the build report. These entries will vary depending on the build type used and if the build was successful. The build steps also include date and time stamp indicators such as 06/20/2006 03:00.00). The build steps include the following:

  • Initializing build

  • Getting sources

  • Compiling sources

  • Compiling <Solution Name> for <Platform>/<Flavor>

  • Compiling <Project Name>

  • Running tests

  • Getting changesets and updating work items (Note   Appears only on successful builds)

  • Getting changesets (Note   Appears on build breaks)

  • Creating work item (Note   Appears on build breaks)

  • Copying binaries to drop location

  • Copying log files to drop location

  • Successfully Completed

  • Failed

  • Stopped

Result details (platform/configuration)

The following table explains the result details category of the build report.

Item Description

Errors and Warnings

Displays a summary of the errors and warnings. If an error occurred, displays a link to a file that contains a list of the compilation errors and warnings for the operating system/configuration combination

Test Results

Displays information for all tests run on the build. Each row in the table displays the following information about each test run.

  • Test Run   Displays a link to the test.

  • Published By   Displays the user who ran the test run. For automatic test runs this value is "N/A."

  • Total   Displays the total number of tests for each test run.

  • Passed   Displays the number of tests that passed.

  • Failed   Displays the total number of test that failed.

  • Other Result   Displays the total number of tests with other results (non-passed and non-failed).

Code Coverage Results

Displays the output of code coverage results.

Associated Changesets

The Associated Changesets category provides information about the changesets that are part of the build.


The section title in the report denotes the number of changesets associated with the build.

For more information, see Working with Source Control Changesets.

Item Description

Changeset ID

Number of the changeset displayed as a link. Clicking this link will show details of the check-in.

Checked In By

Displays the user who checked in the changeset.


Displays any comments associated with the changeset.

Associated Work Items

The Associated Work Items category provides a dialog box displaying information about the work items associated with this build.


The section title in the report denotes the number of work items associated with the build.

For more information, see Managing Team Foundation Work Items.

Item Description


Identification of the work item associated with this build shown as a link. Clicking this link will show details of this work item.


Displays title information retrieved from Team Foundation Server for this work item.

Check-in Action

Displays the check-in action associated with the work item.

Changed By

Displays the user who associated this work item to this build.

See Also


How to: Set Build Quality
Walkthrough: Viewing Team Foundation Build Report Results


Overview of Team Foundation Build

Other Resources

Working with Team Foundation Build Reports