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Avoid language specific type names in parameters







Breaking Change



The name of a parameter in an externally visible member contains a language-specific type name.

Rule Description

Each concatenated word in the parameter name is checked against the following language-specific type names, in a case-insensitive manner:

  • bool

  • float

  • float32

  • float64

  • int

  • int8

  • integer

  • long

  • short

  • uint

  • ulong

  • unsigned

  • ushort

  • wchar

Language-specific type names might not be intuitive for developers using other languages. If a type name must be used, use a universal type name instead of a language-specific type name. For example, instead of the C# type name 'ushort', use the universal type name, UInt16.

How to Fix Violations

Select a parameter name that does not contain one of the previously listed type names.

When to Exclude Warnings

For new development, there are no known scenarios where it is necessary to exclude a warning from this rule. For shipping libraries, it might be necessary to exclude a warning from this rule.

Long acronyms should be pascal-cased

Short acronyms should be uppercase

Identifiers should be cased correctly

Identifiers should differ by more than case

Identifiers should not contain underscores

Parameter names should not match member names

Avoid type names in parameters