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Project Output

Project output contains files from the Web or Windows applications that must be added to deployment projects. You can choose to add one or more of the following types of project output:

  • The Primary Output option adds all .dll and .exe files that have been built from the Web or Windows application.


    In Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 and up, Web Sites have been modified to exclude .dll and .exe files. Therefore, there is no Primary Output to add to Web Sites.

  • The Content Files option adds Web.config, Global.asax, and all Web Forms (.aspx pages) that are created in the Web applications, or App.ico for Windows applications.


    You can also add Documentation Files, Localized Resources, Debug Symbols, and Source Files to the deployment project. However, those project output files are not necessary for deployment.

You must add Primary Output to Winform Setup Projects, and Content Files for Web Projects containing ASPX files.