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Crystal Reports Update Service

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio now provides an optional Crystal Reports Update Service that checks for updates, hot fixes, and patches for Crystal Reports.

To install the Crystal Reports Update Service

The Crystal Reports Update Service is not provided as part of the installer. Instead, you must download and install the Update Service separately.

  1. After installing Crystal Reports for Visual Studio, launch Visual Studio and create a Web Site or Windows project.

  2. In Solution Explorer right-click in the bold project name and click Add, and then click New Item.

  3. In the Add New Item dialog box, select Crystal Report.

  4. In the Name field, enter "Test.rpt", and then click Add.


    If this is the first time that you are using the embedded Crystal Report Designer, you are asked to consent to the End User License Agreement. After this, the Update Service dialog box opens. If you have opened the embedded Crystal Report Designer before, you will need to open the Update Service dialog box manually.

    The embedded Crystal Reports Designer opens and displays the new report.

  5. If the Update Service dialog box fails to appear, from the Crystal Reports menu, click Check for Updates.

    If the Crystal Reports Update Service is not installed, you will be asked whether you want to install it.

  6. In the Update Service dialog box, click Yes.

    The Crystal Reports Update Service Web site loads, providing a link to download the Update Service.

  7. Download and install the Crystal Reports Update Service.

  8. Launch Visual Studio again.

  9. From the Solution Explorer, double-click Test.rpt.

    The embedded Crystal Report Designer launches and displays the report.

  10. From the Crystal Reports menu, click Check for Updates.

    The Update Service launches, and then checks for updates. You can accept or reject any available update.