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Crystal Reports Versions

Multiple versions of Crystal Reports are available. Many of the procedures in this document are version-specific. To best use this document to your advantage, determine first which version of Crystal Reports you have installed.

To determine which version of Crystal Reports you are currently using

  1. Go to the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) at either C:\WINNT\Assembly or C:\Windows\Assembly.

  2. Look for files in this assembly folder whose prefix begins with CrystalDecisions.

  3. Locate the CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine file.


    If you have installed more than one version of Crystal Reports, you have multiple versions of these files in the Global Assembly Cache. The CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine file is selected, because this file is included with every version of Crystal Reports.

  4. Note the Version column shown in the window.

    This is the "Assembly version."

  5. Locate the highest number for a particular assembly.

  6. Compare the assembly version against the version number in the chart below.

Crystal Reports Versions


Assembly Version

Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008


Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005


Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2003


Crystal Reports XI


Crystal Reports XI Release 2


Crystal Reports 10
