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FieldHeadingObject Members

Represents a field-heading object found in a report. This object provides properties and methods for retrieving information and setting options for a field-heading object in a report.

The following tables list the members exposed by the FieldHeadingObject type.

Public Properties

Property Description
Public property Border (Inherited from ReportObject.) Gets the Border object.
Public property Color (Inherited from TextObject.) Gets or sets the color of the object.
Public property FieldObjectName  Gets the name of the field object that this heading represents.
Public property Font (Inherited from TextObject.) Gets the Font object.
Public property Height (Inherited from ReportObject.) Gets or sets the object's height, in twips.
Public property Kind (Inherited from ReportObject.) Gets kind of report object from the ReportObjectKind enum.
Public property Left (Inherited from ReportObject.) Gets or sets the object's upper left position, in twips.
Public property Name (Inherited from ReportObject.) Gets the object's name.
Public property ObjectFormat (Inherited from ReportObject.) Gets the ObjectFormat object.
Public property Text (Inherited from TextObject.) Gets or sets the text within the text object.
Public property Top (Inherited from ReportObject.) Gets or sets the object's upper top position, in twips.
Public property Width (Inherited from ReportObject.) Gets or sets the object's width, in twips.


Public Methods

Method Description
Public method ApplyFont (Inherited from TextObject.) Applies changes made to the System.Drawing.Font object.


See Also


CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Namespace