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ReportDocument Members

Represents a report and contains properties and methods to define, format, load, export, and print the report.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ReportDocument type.

Public Properties

Property Description
Public property Database  Gets the Database object.
Public property DataDefinition  Gets the DataDefinition object.
Public property DataSourceConnections  A collection of IConnectionInfo objects which contains connection info of all the tables in the report. This does not include the subreports.
Public property EnterpriseSession  Gets or sets the reference to the EnterpriseSession object when the RAS server is managed by BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Public property ExportOptions  Gets the ExportOptions class instance.
Public property FileName  Specifies the name of the report file. If protocol or drive letter is specified, a "ras://" default is assumed.
Public property FilePath  Specifies the name of the report file without the protocol prefix.
Public property HasSavedData  Gets whether the report has data saved in memory.
Public property IsLoaded  Gets whether the report has been loaded using the Load method.
Public property IsSubreport  Gets whether the report is a subreport.
Public property Name  Gets the report name. For the main report, the report name is empty.
Public property ParameterFields  Gets the parameter fields.
Public property PrintOptions  Gets the PrintOptions object.
Public property RecordSelectionFormula  Gets or sets record selection formula.
Public property ReportAppServer  Gets or sets the name of the Report Application Server (also know as the RAS Server).
Public property ReportClientDocument  The ReportClientDocument class is an entry point to the underlying Report Application Server API. If ReportDocument.ReportAppServer does not point to a Report Application Server, this property will throw an exception.
Public property ReportDefinition  Gets the ReportDefinition object.
Public property ReportOptions  Gets the ReportOptions object.
Public property Subreports  Subreports. Gets the Subreports object.
Public property SummaryInfo  Gets the SummaryInfo object.


Public Methods

Method Description
Public method Close  Closes the report.
Public method EnableEventLog  Enables the event log for the print engine. By default the log is not enabled.
Public method Export  Exports a report to a format and destination specified within the ExportOptions Object.
Public method ExportToDisk  Exports a report to a file in the specified format.
Public method ExportToHttpResponse  Overloaded. Exports a report to the response object in the specified format.
Public method ExportToStream  Exports a report to a stream in the specified format.
Public method GetConcurrentUsage  Returns the number of concurrent jobs opened allowing developers to build license monitoring into their applications.
Public method Load  Overloaded. Loads a new report and sets the OpenReportMethod enumeration. If a report is already loaded, then it is closed and a new one is opened.
Public method OpenSubreport  Opens a subreport contained in the report and returns a ReportDocument object corresponding to the named subreport.
Public method PrintToPrinter  Prints the specified pages of the report to the printer selected using the PrintOptions.PrinterName property. If no printer is selected, the default printer specified in the report will be used.
Public method Refresh  Removes saved data. This causes fresh data to be loaded when the report is subsequently viewed.
Public method SaveAs  Overloaded. Saves the report and its data into the specified file.
Public method SetCssClass  Sets the cascading style sheet (CSS) for various sections and report objects.
Public method SetDatabaseLogon  Overloaded. Sets the database logon information with a user name and password.
Public method SetDataSource  Overloaded. Passes an Object to the report engine.
Public method SetParameterValue  Overloaded. Sets the current value of a parameter field at the specified index. The value can be a primitive, ParameterValue, an array of either type, or a ParameterValues collection.
Public method VerifyDatabase  Checks whether the database connection is active for the report that is loaded by the ReportDocument object.


See Also


CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Namespace