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AMPMFormat Enumeration

Specifies the AM PM format in the AMPMFormat property of the TimeFieldFormat class.

Namespace CrystalDecisions.Shared Assembly CrystalDecisions.Shared (CrystalDecisions.Shared.dll)


<SerializableAttribute> _
Public NotInheritable Enumeration AMPMFormat
    Inherits Enum
    Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
public sealed enumeration AMPMFormat : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Member Description
AMPMAfter Placement for the AM or PM symbols in the time field appear after the time.
AMPMBefore Placement for the AM or PM symbols in the time field appear before the time.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Version Information

Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008

Supported since: Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2002

See Also


CrystalDecisions.Shared Namespace