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SummaryOperation Enumeration

Specifies the summary operation type in the Operation property of the RunningTotalFieldDefinition class and SummaryFieldDefinition class.

Namespace CrystalDecisions.Shared Assembly CrystalDecisions.Shared (CrystalDecisions.Shared.dll)


<SerializableAttribute> _
Public NotInheritable Enumeration SummaryOperation
    Inherits Enum
    Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
public sealed enumeration SummaryOperation : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Member Description
Average Summary returns the average of a field.
Correlation Summary returns the correlation of two fields.
Count Summary counts the number of values, from the field.
Covariance Summary returns the measure of the linear relation between paired variables.
DistinctCount Summary returns the number of non-repeating values, from the field.
Maximum Summary returns the largest value from the field.
Median Summary returns the middle value in a sequence of numeric values.
Minimum Summary returns the smallest value from the field.
Mode Summary returns the most frequently returning value from the field.
NthLargest Summary returns the Nth largest value from the field.
NthMostFrequent Summary returns the Nth most commonly occurring value from the field.
NthSmallest Summary returns the Nth smallest value from the field.
Percentage Summary returns as a percentage of the grand total summary.
Percentile Summary returns the value for a specified percentile in a Number or Currency field.
PopStandardDeviation Summary returns how much each value in the field deviate from the mean or average value for that field.
PopVariance Summary returns the square of the standard deviation.
SampleStandardDeviation Summary returns the sample standard deviation for the field.
SampleVariance Summary returns the sample variance for the field.
Sum Summary returns the total of all the values for the field.
WeightedAvg Summary returns the weighted average for the field.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Version Information

Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008

Supported since: Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2002

See Also


CrystalDecisions.Shared Namespace