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SpecialVarType Enumeration

Specifies the special field type in the SpecialVarType property of the SpecialVarFieldDefinition class.

Namespace CrystalDecisions.Shared Assembly CrystalDecisions.Shared (CrystalDecisions.Shared.dll)


<SerializableAttribute> _
Public NotInheritable Enumeration SpecialVarType
    Inherits Enum
    Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
public sealed enumeration SpecialVarType : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Member Description
DataDate Field returns the date that the report was last refreshed.
DataTime Field returns the time that the report was last refreshed.
FileAuthor Field returns the file author name that is included with the report.
FileCreationDate Field returns the date that the report was created.
Filename Field returns the name of the report file.
GroupNumber Field returns the current group number.
GroupSelection Field returns the group selection formula.
ModificationDate Field returns the date the report was last modified.
ModificationTime Field returns the time the report was last modified.
PageNofM Field returns "Page [current page number] of [total page count]" formula.
PageNumber Field returns the current page number.
PrintDate Field returns the date the report was printed.
PrintTime Field returns the date the report was printed.
RecordNumber Field returns the current record number.
RecordSelection Field returns the record selection formula.
ReportComments Field returns the report comments that are included with the report.
ReportTitle Field returns the report title that is included with the report.
TotalPageCount Field returns the total number of pages in the report.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Version Information

Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008

Supported since: Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2002

See Also


CrystalDecisions.Shared Namespace