This section presents a large selection of tutorials that enable you to work with Crystal Reports for Visual Studio. Each tutorial guides you in a step-by-step fashion through the complete creation of projects that provide solutions for a variety of reporting scenarios.
It is recommended that you work through several of the tutorials to help familiarize yourself with the best practices for working with Crystal Reports for Visual Studio.
Each tutorial is accompanied by sample code projects that show the completed version of the project, written in both C# and Visual Basic. The majority of these projects are provided as both Web Sites and Windows projects, except for those specifically designed for Web-only or Windows-only usage.
The completed sample code projects may be installed with the product, or available for download from the Diamond Developer Community website. To locate the sample code, see Tutorials' Sample Code Directory.
In this section:
CrystalReportViewer Object Model Tutorials
The tutorials in this section use methods and properties from the CrystalReportViewer class and classes of the CrystalDecisions.Shared namespace.
ReportDocument Object Model Tutorials
This section presents a variety of tutorials for the ReportDocument object model.
Reduced-Code Tutorials in Visual Studio
This section presents a variety of tutorials for the reduced-code development model of Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008.
This section presents a variety of tutorials for data connectivity options in Crystal Reports for Visual Studio.
This section presents a collection of additional tutorials that belong in no particular category.