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Data Access (How Do I in C# Express)

This topic links to Help about widely used data access tasks. To view other categories of popular tasks explained in Help, see How Do I in C# Express.


If you are using Visual C# Express Edition, some of the Help links on this page may be unavailable, depending on the options that you chose during installation. For more information, see Troubleshooting Visual C# Express.


  • How to: Install Sample Databases
    Provides steps to install a sample database such as the Northwind sample database, SQL Server Express, SQL Server Compact 3.5, or an Access version of Northwind. (With Visual C# Express Edition your database must be installed on the local computer.)

  • Walkthrough: Creating a Simple Data Application
    Provides a step-by-step procedure to create a data application.

Connecting to Data in Visual Studio

Creating and Designing Typed Datasets


  • TableAdapter Overview
    Provides an overview of TableAdapters which provides communication between your application and a database.

  • Walkthrough: Creating a TableAdapter with Multiple Queries
    Provides a procedure to create a TableAdapter in a dataset by using the Data Source Configuration Wizard. The walkthrough will show you how to create a second query in the TableAdapter by using the TableAdapter Query Configuration Wizard in the Dataset Designer.

Filling Datasets and Executing Queries

Displaying Data on Windows Forms


Editing Data in Datasets

Validating Data

Saving Data

Data Resources

  • Data User Interface Elements
    Contains information about all the dialog boxes and wizards that you use when you design data access in your applications.

  • ADO.NET Data Adapters
    Provides information about ADO.NET data-adapter objects and how to work with them in Visual Studio.

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)

Using LINQ to Objects

Using LINQ to SQL

Using LINQ to XML

Using LINQ to DataSet

Work with Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5

Creating SQL Server Objects in Managed Code

  • SQL Server Projects
    Explains how to use .NET Framework languages and the Transact-SQL programming language to create database objects such as stored procedures and triggers, and to retrieve and update data for Microsoft SQL Server databases.

  • Walkthrough: Creating a Stored Procedure in Managed Code
    Provides step-by-step instructions for the following:

    • Creating a stored procedure in managed code.

    • Deploying the stored procedure to a SQL Server database.

    • Creating a script to test the stored procedure on the database.

    • Query data in the database to confirm that the stored procedure executed correctly.

Object Relational Designer (O/R Designer)

Other Resources

These Web sites are excellent resources for finding more information, seeing what other Express users are doing, and stay in touch as Visual C# Express grows.

  • Visual C# Developer Center
    Serves as a central location for information about Visual C# Express Edition. Includes videos, new tools, and other downloads.

  • Beginner Developer Learning Center
    Serves as a central location for learning materials for the beginner developer. Includes video tutorials, articles, the How-To Reference Library, and Kid's Corner.

  • Coding4Fun
    Includes lots of articles and coding tips for the Visual C# Express developer.

See Also


How Do I in C# Express