CLR Development (How Do I in Visual C++ Express)
This page links to help on tasks related to CLR development using Visual C++. To view other categories of popular tasks covered in Help, see How Do I in Visual C++ Express.
Windows Forms
- Windows Forms Walkthroughs and How-to Topics
Lists the Windows Forms walkthroughs that will help you effectively implement Windows Forms in your Visual C++ application.
- Code for Windows Forms Applications
Lists the code examples that demonstrate how to perform common programming tasks in Windows Forms applications.
Mixed Assemblies
- How To: Migrate to /clr
Discusses issues that arise when compiling native code with /clr and when converting a project to managed.
- How to: Compile MFC and ATL Code with /clr
Discusses how to compile existing MFC and ATL programs to target the Common Language Runtime.
- How To: Remove Dependency on _vcclrit.h
Contains the recommended modifications required to remove dependency on this header file.
- Performance Considerations for Interop (C++)
Provides guidelines for reducing the effect of managed/unmanaged interop transitions on run-time performance.
Pure / Verifiable Assemblies
- Pure and Verifiable Code
Describes the differences between mixed, pure, and verifiable code.
- How to: Create Verifiable C++ Projects
Describes how to set project properties and modify project source files to transform your Visual C++ projects to produce verifiable applications.
- How to: Migrate to /clr:safe
Lists the issues that will generate verifiability errors when compiling with /clr:safe.
- Walkthrough: Using /clr:pure Features
Demonstrates the use of reflection in a pure MSIL application.
- How to: Create a Partially Trusted Application by Removing Dependency on msvcm80.dll
Discusses how to create a partially trusted Common Language Runtime application using Visual C++ by removing dependency on msvcm80.dll.
- Reflection in C++
Explains how to use Visual C++ to discover, examine, and invoke data types at runtime through reflection.
- How to: Implement a Plug-In Component Architecture using Reflection
Demonstrate the use of reflection to implement a simple "plug-in" architecture.
- How to: Enumerate Data Types in Assemblies using Reflection
Demonstrates the enumeration of public types and members using the System.Reflection API.
See Also
Interop (How Do I in Visual C++ Express)