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The witexport command is obsolete. Use the witadmin command instead. For more information, see witAdmin: Administrating Work Item Tracking Objects.

Use the witexport command to export an XML definition for a work item type from a Team Foundation Server. You can also use this command to print an XML definition to the display.

The witexport command-line utility is located in DriveLetter:\Program Files\Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE on the Team Explorer client computer.

Required Permissions

To use the witexport command, you must be a member of the Team Foundation Administrators security group or the Project Administrators security group. For more information, see Team Foundation Server Permissions and Team Foundation Server Default Groups, Permissions, and Roles.


Even if you are logged on with administrative permissions, you must open an elevated Command Prompt to perform this function on a server that is running Windows Server 2008. To open an elevated Command Prompt, click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as Administrator. For more information, see the Microsoft Web site.

witexport [/f filepath] /t tfs /p teamproject /n witname [/exportgloballists] [/e encodingname]




/f filepath

The path to the XML file where the work item type is to be exported. If you omit this parameter, the work item type is exported to the display.

If you are running Windows Vista you might not have permissions to certain folders. If you try to export the work item type to a location where you do not have permissions set, the registry virtualization technology automatically redirects the exported file and saves it to the virtual store. To avoid this redirection, you can export the file to a location where you have permissions set. For more information about registry virtualization, see the Microsoft Web site: Registry Virtualization and Common file and registry virtualization issues in Windows Vista.

/t tfs

The computer name of the Team Foundation Server from which the work item type is to be exported, or a fully specified URL for the Team Foundation Server.

/p teamproject

The team project from which the work item type is to be exported. This team project must exist on the Team Foundation Server specified by tfs.

/n witname

The name of the work item type to be exported. This type must exist in team project teamproject on Team Foundation Server tfs.

/e Encodingname

The name of a .NET Framework 2.0 encoding. The specified encoding will be used to export the work item type XML. If this argument is not specified, witimport uses UTF-8 encoding by default.


Displays the witexport context help.




Exports the definitions of global lists referenced by the work item type.


The command in this example exports the work item type myworkitem from the AdventureWorks team project on the Team Foundation AdventureWorksServer to the file myworkitems.xml. This example exports the work item type using the default UTF-8 encoding:

>witexport /f myworkitems.xml /t AdventureWorksServer /p AdventureWorks /n myworkitem

The following example shows how to use a URL instead of a Team Foundation Server name. This example exports the work item type using the default UTF-8 encoding.

>witexport /f myworkitems.xml /t https://TFS:8080/bis/registration.asmx /p AdventureWorks /n myworkitem

The following example exports the work item using Unicode (utf-7) encoding:

>witexport /f myworkitems.xml /t AdventureWorksServer /p AdventureWorks /n myworkitem /exportgloballists

The following example exports the work item type and the referenced global lists. This example exports the work item type using the default UTF-8 encoding:

>witexport /f myworkitems.xml /t https://TFS:8080/bis/registration.asmx /p AdventureWorks /n myworkitem

The following example exports the work item type to the display instead of a file. This example exports the work item type using the default UTF-8 encoding:

>witexport /t https://TFS:8080/bis/registration.asmx /p AdventureWorks /n myworkitem

See Also


How to: Create a Work Item Type

