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TABSEPARATOR Element | TabSeparator Object

Adds a TabSeparator element to a TabStrip.


HTML <namespace:TABSEPARATOR ... >

Possible Values

namespace Prefix that associates a custom tag with an XML namespace. This prefix is set using the XMLNS attribute of the html tag.


The TABSEPARATOR can be used to separate TABs within the Tab control. The default style for the TABSEPARATOR is a vertical line for the horizontal Tab control or a horizontal line for the vertical Tab control. You can also set a TABSEPARATOR to render as an image within the Tab control. To do this, set the SEPDEFAULTIMAGEURL attribute on the TABSTRIP element or set the DEFAULTSTYLE on the TABSEPARATOR element.

The SEPDEFAULTIMAGEURL attribute of the TABSTRIP element defines the default image for all TABSEPARATORs which do not have a DEFAULTSTYLE attribute set. The DEFAULTSTYLE of a TABSEPARATOR overwrites the value set for the SEPDEFAULTSTYLE.

This element is a block element.

This element requires a closing tag.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the TabSeparator object.

Attribute Property Description
DEFAULTIMAGEURL DefaultImageUrl Sets or retrieves the URL of the image as default for all inactive elements.
DEFAULTSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the default style for the element.
HOVERIMAGEURL HoverImageUrl Sets or retrieves the URL of the image for an element when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it.
HOVERSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style of the element when the user hovers the keyboard focus or mouse pointer over it.
SELECTEDIMAGEURL SelectedImageUrl Sets or retrieves the URL of an image to use for a selected node or TAB.
SELECTEDSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style for the selected element.
TEXT Text Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the text or caption for the object.
Method Description
getAttribute Retrieves the value of the specified attribute.
getType Retrieves the type of item.
remove Removes the Tab or the TabSeparator from the TabStrip object.
setAttribute Sets the value of the specified attribute.

Applies To


See Also

Internet Explorer WebControls, About the TabStrip WebControl