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raw Property

This topic documents a feature of Binary Behaviors, which are obsolete as of Internet Explorer 10.

Exposes the raw SOAP data packet returned by the Web Service after invoking the callService method.


Scripting [ objectraw = ] object.raw

Possible Values

object One of the following objects exposed by the WebService behavior.
The result object. This object exposes this property if the error property is false.
The errorDetail object. This object exposes this property if the error property is true.
raw An XML fragment that contains the entire SOAP data packet returned by the callService method.

The property is read-only. The property has no default value.


Use this property with client-side script to access the raw SOAP data packet (an XML data fragment) that is returned by the Web Service. This property is useful when you require the most detailed information on the results of a method invocation. Using the WebService Behavior provides code samples and further discussion on this and other related properties.

Applies To

result, errorDetail, WebService

See Also

errorDetail, result, Using the WebService Behavior, About the WebService Behavior, WebService Behavior: Supported Data Types, Messaging Specifications Index Page