IMessengerContact::SigninName Property

Deprecated. Retrieves the sign-in name of the contact associated with this MessengerContact object.


HRESULT IMessengerContact::get_SigninName(BSTR *pbstrSigninName);


  • pbstrSigninName
    Pointer to a BSTR that uniquely identifies the contact.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values: 

S_OK Success.
E_FAIL pbstrSigninName returns a NULL string.
E_OUTOFMEMORY String comparison failed.
RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTER pbstrSigninName is a NULL pointer.
E_NOTIMPL Cannot be accessed through scripting.


To get the sign-in name of the local client user rather than a remote user, use IMessenger::MySigninName.

Note  This property is available to scripting languages only in a trusted zone.

Important  IMessengerContact::SigninName is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

See Also
